Monday, October 11, 2021

The Fatty Vax

 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Dr. Botha in the interview below proves what this blog has stated is this vax is designed to evolve humans into immortal bodies, or Synthetic Forms. It is fascinated to listen to her, in what she has discovered in the blood samples in the Pfizer and the Johnson & Johnson vaxes.

She is finding diabetes and senility in the vaxed.

There appears to be a triangular assembly of the fibers, or the round mechanical objects, which when dried become jointed stick forms, like spider legs.

More Horrific Live Blood Analysis!
Doctor Finds Foreign Particles, Black
Matter And Particles Moving Mechanically
In Vaxed Blood Samples - Watch

It was something which she noted in the stacked blood cells which is part of this transformation, is what caught my attention, in I have noticed some of these vaxed people putting on large amounts of weight.

Dr. Botha mentioned 5 kilos which is around 13 pounds. In my observations, I have seen people who put on 50 to 100 pounds, and it is very noticeable to my being shocked. My cousins and Aunt all put on  50 pounds. 

My neighbor who really put on the tons, was quite friendly, but is now just an asshole.

There are definite artifacts appearing in these various vaxes. They have set patterns.

Of interest in this, is this vax is a bioweapon, the Wuhan is a bio weapon. Cancer was transformed into a bioweapon, and HIV is a bioweapon and in all of these bioweapons, they all resemble each other and all operate in high acidity in the body.

I appreciate Dr. Botha, inclusion of weight gains as I had noticed this outlier and it is happening so that others notice it. These people do not seem less active, but instead are just having something triggered in their bodies which is causing the body to begin storing fat on the same material intact.

With cancer it depletes the body of energy and that is what kills the body. With the Synthetic prion though even with all of this generation of a new form, there is not energy being used up, instead the body is shutting down in calorie consumption.

These fatties are not septic, so the body is not storing dead cells. Their skin color is normal, so this is not a water build up, nor do they look puffy from being waterlogged. So the projection is this is fat over production in the vaxed.

Amazing outlier in why this is.

Nuff Said

