Monday, October 11, 2021

We Held These Truths

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Being done with politics and never forgetting that Donald Trump did nothing to implement MAGA and that he left the Jan6ers to be hunted down by the FBI after he invited them to the WILD DC rally, my observations are nothing to do with having anything to do with any of this dictatorship. I simply point out historical realities.

Most people have zero idea that Adolf Hitler did not arrive as an absolute leader in Germany. His appearance was quite under Constitutional law. Adolf Hitler owed everything he became to one German, and that was a German Hero named Herman Goering who held one office in the German Government, and that as Speaker of the House or leader of the German Parliament.

It was Goering who oversaw and orchestrated Adolf Hitler's seizing of power and later cracked down as protector of the Reich in Goering had his own state police force.

Donald Trump could not do jack or shit as President. If this DIA asset in Matt Gaetz though that this blog warned you about in who was being put forward for you to follow, takes over in more fraud elections in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, he can maneuver whatever is in the White House into a stalemate and by 2024 not only make Donald Trump president again, but this time Matt Gaetz may very well may become Nancy Pelosi is getting her machine gun nests turned on some, whoever are going to be those who do not want this new dictatorship. For me I could care less as this as this is the age of dictators.

Matt Gaetz looks like John Wayne's son, I forget his name. He likes women allot, just got married to a camel toe so what could be more lovely than having an attractive dictator and a non fat dictator in the house or one who is not bizarre like Nancy Pelosi.

That is all I have on this as I'm going to have a snack as I like sancks more than politics and who is running the police state. Probably should get the laundry first.

Nuff Said
