Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The HAARP Line


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been monitoring the weather projections, with hotter than normal in the south and south east, a milder interior line and a colder northwest, with it 50% either way in between.

This HAARP reality began manifesting on October 24th in a massive west to east stream flow.

What this might mean if it holds, as the 1% is now deluging the dry west coast in monsoons is since the corn in the American interior is sop rag wet, so farmers are now not harvesting at all, because harvesting means their harvest will be soaked up by drying corn with propane (Corn must be 12% moisture to keep in storage or it will rot) a stalemate has taken place. HAARP fucks this up, and the corn will get snow and farmers will not harvest until spring, lower quality then, but the USDA will have to shell out disaster payments to the farmers.

To the point of what this means, is the storm track will be west to east across the interior. If HAARP will cease generating atmosphere bombs, the country will dry out as that is where all the moisture is coming from.

This storm which is on America this week of the 24th, I saw projections for 2 hours on my two week forecast of massive floods in my area. Then it disappeared. This was for the 27th of October. So you know that this California monsoon was a known storm generated by HAARP around the 14th of October, before it even existed.

This is just a preliminary of what the trend may be for winter. Some of this stuff is still lunar in setting cycles, meaning on the full or new moon if a pattern develops, than that pattern will run at least 6 weeks and may reset for several months. Meaning the weather will set a pattern on a weekly cycle.

I can tell you that without HAARP, or even with HAARP, once the machine turns off on the Brier, we stop getting rain or the meaning is the atmosphere dries out. I saw a blood red moon on the harvest moon this past week, meaning the air is full of dirt yet. That means dry weather. That means that the minute HAARP stops generating these bombs, the weather will moderate and it will be drier as we are in a drought cycle. There are limits to HAARP. HAARP can enhance the weather and modify, but it can not change the cycles of what the earth is going through.

So if the world is wet, HAARP can make it wetter. If the world is dry, HAARP can make it  less arid.

In throwing the dice, this would be a good trend for winter.

Nuff Said
