Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Outlaw Alec Baldwin

The Santa Fe County Sheriff’s office warrant noted that Souza said he heard “what sounded like a whip and then a loud pop,” then he witnessed Hutchins, who was in front of him at the time of the shooting, grab her midsection and stumble backwards. She “was assisted to the ground” by other people on the crew and she said she could not feel her legs.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is damning evidence coming out about Alec Baldwin and on the surface of it, you would not think it was damning, but it is, because a camera operator trying to give Baldwin cover, stated that Baldwin was well versed in firearm's safety as he had accomplished this the day before in clearing a gun.

The issue here is no longer if Baldwin is guilty of manslaughter for indictment, because he is. The issue is what exactly took place when the gun was in his hand, and we know exactly what took place, as the director explained that Baldwin, sitting in a Church pew, as an outlaw.......

Yes I told you this move was American hatred and Christophobic and why Baldwin was thinking this was his crowning moment as a washed up old actor, but the director stated Baldwin was practicing drawing a single shot revolver and pointing it at a camera. The camera is were the person murdered and the person almost murdered were standing.

I projected wrong in this was not a shotgun which Baldwin held, but a Colt 45 revolver. I will explain a bit about this again as I have mentioned this previously. When Sam Colt created his revolver, it was like all single shot front cylinder loading handguns in it was one cartridge at a time, but from the rear.

A Colt could only be fired if you cocked the hammer. A Colt could only be fired if you dropped it or pulled the trigger. This is why the hammer always rested on an empty chamber or spent shell casing, in case of accidental discharge.

To load and unload a Colt, you have to rotate the cylinder manually for each round, and then rotate it to the next chamber, and load through a port on the side. It is a tedious process and why in upgrades the cylinder swung out so you could load easily and quickly, as much as unloading and check for cartridges.

Rumors have been posted in going after the 24 year old firearms expert and stating the guns were used for target practice, and that is how the gun was loaded.
I will be honest, but there was always the chance that someone hated Baldwin over the crew was furious over being cheated in paychecks and abused by the Producers, which Baldwin was one.

Whatever the reason that live round was in the gun, it does not make a difference, because Baldwin is  said to have practiced safety, up until that moment, because remember what the Lame Cherry told you in this Colt design, in YOU HAVE TO PULL THE TRIGGER TO MAKE THE HANDGUN FIRE.

Baldwin was in fact drawing the gun. He was also cocking the hammer. This cocking the hammer is important in this, because if he was pulling the trigger each time he was pulling the gun, then he had done this several times, and it means the live round was exposed to be seen on the side if it was checked. See every time you cock the gun, the cylinder rotates to a new chamber, so when Baldwin cocked the fatal shot, it moved from an empty chamber to a live on in the sequence.

More to the point, Baldwin, was aiming a "Gun is ALWAYS LOADED" at two people as he was practicing the quick draw in Hollywood hatred of Churches, Whites and Christians. This is manslaughter and is approaching Murder 3.

The Sheriff in New Mexico sounds dumb as a post, as he is finding a thousand rounds and yet does not know what they are and sending them off to the FBI labs in Virginia, which is a waste of money. This is the part thought that made me conclude this was a shotgun as two people were injured. What we now know is another mystery on magic bullet angle, but the woman was shot below the breasts and above the waste. Baldwin apparently broke her spine as she could not feel her legs. The bullet upon entering the woman, exited her, and then entered the shoulder of the director. That is how two people were almost murdered on this set.

Again for those not familiar with the 45 Colt. Bullets back in the day were large. This bullet is about the size of your finger in width. Lead is heavy and made up for low powered black powder and reduced speeds. So the Colt was lethal due to this increased weight. It is like being hit by a linebacker instead of a corner in football, or a 300 pound man's fist to a 130 pound man.

Here is the problem in this. Yes due to the Obama and Biden ammo shortages, ammo is in short supply. In movies and in cowboy shoot outs, there were low power cowboy loads which yes they will kill anything, they are not like hunting or full power loads. They usually are loaded with some lighter bullets too.
I happen to have a box as real loads were not available of some wadcutters where the bullets is in the casing flush, and they have reduced powder, meaning they are easy to shoot in not having great recoil. They will still get the job done if necessary,  but they are not designed to shoot through one human and hit another human standing by.

The Sheriff has stated that the bullet was lead. This would be an antimony load of some tin included to make the lead harder, and reduce lead fouling in the lands and grooves of the barrel. Lead is not really hard, and even is this woman was petite, that lead bullet smacked a spinal vertebrae to paralyze her, before it exited and penetrated the shoulder of another petite man who had to go to the hospital to have it removed.

Low power loads should not have accomplished this. That means this load was more than a target load, and again due to Obama Biden shortages of ammo, someone might have gotten what they could in practice or for the movie, and the end result was a full power load, but not a load meant to produce hydro shock inside the person or animal, as that would have killed this small woman immediately due to neuro shock.

“Yes, Alec Baldwin was the main producer but it might be found out that another producer did more to cut corners. I don’t think there will be anything as bad as a murder charge but this is going to be a legal nightmare for Baldwin,” she said.

There is not any getting away from the reality of Alec Baldwin. It does not matter if you have the who parks your car hand you the keys and then blame him for running over a kid because your brakes are out. You are behind the wheel and Alec Baldwin was firing the gun.

To get the feel of this and how creepy this is, use your hand as a gun and pull it out, cocking it, and firing it, at your computer screen with a person's photo on the screen. Then realize it is real, and you are pulling a gun on someone and pulling the trigger. Most people would have pause over this action and become uncomfortable. Alec Baldwin was not.

He should NEVER have engaged in what he was doing. It is evident the employees were fearful of him as no one told him to, "Knock that shit off!", as Baldwin would have fired them. That is intimidation in a dangerous environment, again that is a murder charge.

Was Alec Baldwin vaxed? Is his brain vax senile? Did someone take revenge on Baldwin for cheating them? We do not know, what we do know is Alec Baldwin was practicing firing a gun and he was pointing it at people, something which should NEVER be done. That seems obvious, but Baldwin was in a dream role apparently and acting outlaw as he does and he pulled a weapon, and was firing it at a camera with people behind it. Those facts will not change.

All that matters is Alec Baldwin was reckless and outlaw and people are dead and injured.

Nuff Said

Camera Operator On Set Of Alec Baldwin Movie Says Actor Was Careful With Prop Guns Before Shooting
