Friday, October 8, 2021

The Pure Heart


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In all I do, I have to be honest as God knows what I think and react to. I try to always be accepting of God's direction and look for instruction and guidance by the Holy Ghost. It is at times though that I receive reading from the Holy Ghost which have me reacting like, "OK what does God want now from this exhausted broken person as I do not want to hear it as I have nothing more to give".

That is when when the Holy Ghost directed me to the beatitudes and I thought, "Oh I will get the inherit the earth verse as I need money as beg enough here," I instead was given:

Blessed are the pure in heart, as they shall see God.

I rolled that over and was not pleased any more than getting Mr. Potato Head for Christmas which I caught hell for in tossing it aside, as how much more pure does God want this filthy heart as I don't have the resources or laundry to clean up this cesspool.

Last night I was still thinking that Holy Ghost pointed out that maybe I was not so pure. I'm no Pharisee in thinking my shit does not stink, but I do know I work that things more than most people. I informed God that as I had nothing more to give.

By morning I was in a better mood after IRS letters, Goddamn predators killing and scaring my animals, things not getting done and I can't remember all the shit I have been through this week, so I agreed that I would try and be better for God in having a pure heart.

I was moved to research that verse, and unfortunately most translations just go with pure of heart.

PURE: Used of persons or behaviors; having no faults; sinless

That must be what the Holy Ghost was translating. Yes that perfection thing being required of by God. No faults and sinless, the qualities I lean on Jesus to be pure so I get my sins wiped out, and He does the heavy work in dying for me.

I can be more perfect, more pure, but without Jesus, I will not get to the Job, Daniel or Enoch status the rate I'm failing at.

It was the Amplified which helped out in this as pure in the Hebrew Greek is, this:

integrity, moral courage, and godly character

Integrity is morals, or choosing right over wrong. So moral courage is facing danger without fear and still doing what is the correct or right or Godly thing. Again Godly character, I can list those attributes yet as set by Martin Luther.












Ok I'm not going to get the all powerful all knowing and always present stuff,  but the rest of them besides eternal I do fulfill. Holy means set apart of God and I'm that. I'm not sinless nor perfect, so it comes down to the point in this Martin Luther Catechism self examination, that I believe humbly I will go before God and say if He knows otherwise, I have fulfilled that work in me of being pure in heart and it is time to do more than feel, as it is time to see Him.

If I can keep my Spock mode as I usually do, I study things that should terrify me, so I handle odd things, otherwise I figure seeing God would scare me to the right path times ten.

The rest of this is up to you in examining if you are pure of heart. I figure most of you will lie about it, but that is for Jesus and you to sort out. I'm in the secretarial mode as Jesus does the saving. This is the teaching lesson of  God interacting with me, and it in most cases seems off the wall, but that is the way God interacts with me in what is important to God is not what I focus on, but while I do not always think the most of God's thinking, I never reject it, finally submit and accept the next step on this road.

That is where I'm at today on August 4th.

English Standard Version
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Berean Study Bible
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

New American Standard Bible
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

NASB 1995
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

NASB 1977
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Amplified Bible
“Blessed [anticipating God’s presence, spiritually mature] are the pure in heart [those with integrity, moral courage, and godly character], for they will see God.

Nuff Said
