Friday, October 8, 2021

More than Survival

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In doing farm and ranch things, I know I smash lots of life from bugs to whatever. I try hard to lift the rake up to not disturb ant piles and drive around all sorts of life, but in the odds of life, you simply can not bake a cake without breaking eggs and you will not kill ever mouse in the field as I see the voles scurrying away as I mow hay.

The Viking asked the question below after the Bungholes of the earth in the videos of Walmart as tunnel points and the military moving equipment around again.

I have no idea if what I posted has posted or will post yet on this subject, but I will answer if there is a way to escape all of this.

Feb 12, 2020 ... These verses emphasize God's character as protector, comforter, shelter, and strength. When we are hidden in His shadow or under His wings, we ...


Those in the Bungholes of the Earth

There are ways to escape this?

I have noted that everyone is focused on the skill shot. That is by design in people are meant to freak in this fear porn, but I have told you that yes numbers will die from this vax, the intent of the 1% is not to obliterate everyone as the common mantra is recited on the Georgia Guidestones. 

Each of you are in more danger at this moment, than after the next phases of the major operations begin. At this moment, you are being tracked, you are being monitored, you are being sorted. The focus is this transhuman vax to the individual. There will come a time soon when the reality manifests in the 1% who are not being vaxed are not going to be affected. Those they depend on in the police and military state, are going to degrade from this vax, meaning they will  be compliant. Yes they will follow orders, but they will lose the ability to think. Vaxed people like that will lose most of their enforcement desires, as there will not be a drive behind it as in fanaticism. 

Wormwood is coming. The greatest last war is coming. There is going to a supply problem, economic crash in buying and selling and that means energy to make war machines work to hunt people down. Big events means inconsequential you, loses value as a target. A police state and military is not going to hunt you down when they have hundred million armed people firing at them in a foreign land.

The 1% is hording. That means they are planning to survive. So if they are planning to survive, you can survive.

Not that long ago, Swedes survived without bathing, had more lice than hair, ate gruel daily, and Minnesota did not kill them. As all of our one generation away ancestors did not have toilet paper, did not have central air, did not have daily bathes, and lived by what they grew out of the soil or shot on the land, that is a mirror image of what the future will be even for those who do not prepare. If you prepare, then you are not going to have to like the Romans, in using sheep wool on a stick in a water bucket to scrub the shit out of your ass when you dump.

Do you know how many mice will die on doomsday? I have no idea, but I do know that mice are going to be in our abode, because not everything is going to die. This blog has invested more than 10 years in teaching people in how to survive. The Viking printed up most of what was posted here and read it all. You will do more than survive, you will thrive in what is ahead, because the 1% is stuck in large luxury yet in hiding tanks underground for the future. You are at the advantage in being small. You do not leave signatures like a mouse and you will thrive.

A Protestant Christian is a Faith of Hope and Trust in the Lord. That is how you approach what is now and what is coming. Today I was cutting wood to keep warm and to alleviate the inflation costs. I have taught of the plans to keep falling back. If I had the money, I would have built for lack of a better term, several Trapper dug outs, one room shelters, rustic to have options to fall back to.  I have told you about weeds which you can supplement with. My entire life has been in preparation. You have to build the Ark like Noah to make certain that you are not exposing yourself in looking for supplies.

I was checking the obits here, and the last two were "died suddenly at home". These were healthy males in the prime of life. That is the clots killing people who would not be dead otherwise. These people are not going to mourn me in my problems or death, there are too many to deal with and will be more. The dead though offer resources. I will give this junk yard guy example. JYG lets us scurry through his junk. In one trailer there, Blacks were occupying it. They left EVERYTHING. JYG gave us their DVD collection of like thousands of dollars of movies, which we have been watching, and it is not all nigger shit. They left photos, they left clothes, it is like they died. People ARE dying now. Family units are being voided of people. People will come to a time like on the Oregon trail, in dumping expensive items to get to where they are going. Not everyone is going to die, but you are going to see numbers of people just leaving and all their stuff is going to be there to use. The Mexican has zero affinity for America. They are like sheep in looting the land now, but come the coming time, they will leave all their shit too as they always do in those beds and furniture as Mexicans do not take things with them. You may not want to sleep on a Mexican bed, but they burn nicely to keep warm outside.

If you are still a mourner, you will get over it, as there will be too much to deal with. What is coming is going to force you to get up and move, and to live, as the time for contemplation and mourning will have ended. You will be like me in the future as that is what survival is and you will thrive at it, just like your ancestors thrived in all the shit they suffered through.

China is shutting down food production. The people in power are all taking your money, hording production and hiding it in the ground. They are planning on survival. In numerous ways the mouse you are has the odds in your favor compared to the rat's nests of the 1% which are fixed and large.

I look forward more to what is coming than this waiting around for the police state to climax in this orgasm of power.  That is when liberation begins. So stop listening to the whiners in this Mockingbird of we are all going to die. They are going to die and that is great, that is wonderful, let them die in their prophesies, as I will thrive and be liberated in what is coming.
