As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After Erica Khan, mocked and laughed at, the Polish PHD who is a geologist over his findings which matched the revelations of Dr. Carrie Madj, and labelled the creature found as a "contaminant", and this blog asked if this is a contaminant, then why are there no photos anywhere in human history of something that is metal, with legs, a head, and moves, as this is not an organic or known manufactured form. the reality is that this creature is named after Erica Khan in appropriately the Khanjob.
The Lame Cherry is going to make some further points here, in science, there is science and then there is science. Chemistry for example is organic and inorganic. You have to have intelligence to get a degree in chemistry. Numerous chemists go into geology. For all the hype about doctors, they do not match up to physicists, engineers and geologists. Doctors take the easy root of biology which is easy. They do not have to take high level math or chemistry, and a microbiologist is not even a doctor.
People who are in a science which is science light should not be mocking those who have applied themselves.
In this, the Polish Zaluski PHD, is qualified to analyze what this creature is, as those in the medical field have no idea what this thing is, because it is not biological, as we know biology.
The Lame Cherry did a bit of inquiry into this Kahnjob, and as TL noted, the carbon feet of it, are designed to plug into biological connections, as this is at the basis the creation of the energy of life in molecular chains.
What the matrix was indicating is that this thing is indeed deposited in an egg, a capsule might be more appropriate, as like a stellar probe, it then unpacks itself. Whether it is 3 legs or 5, it is spider like with a central organizational structure. I do not want to call it a brain, as in essence a virus would have a brain or a cell with mRNA, as this is more in Richard's field of programming. What I feel in this in trying to put this into layman's terms, is, this thing is more like a sperm and an egg in carrying DNA sequence. It is not making thinking moves, so it should not be defined as a creature, but it is alive in the sense that just as DARPA is hiding code in DNA in cells, this thing has code in it's inner sequence, which has it fulfills it's purpose.
The projections in this are this does replicate, it collects aluminum to manufacture or reproduce, out of the sequence of the head. The bromine is a buffer, and the carbon feet are to link up to the biology. Just as the Morgellons makes the skeleton of the transhuman, this is the nervous system. This is a sort of antennae which links the disappearing biology to the extruded synthetics.
Jeff Rense had on a UFO guy last week, and that person was singing the praises of the benevolent greys. The greys are warning to not take the shot. Yes the same demonic created greys that have been raping humans for hybrids of a generation are now benevolent. The first time I saw this Kahnjob, I thought of it being extruded, as it has the same look as the greys. It should as it is the same technology source.
This thing plugs into an evolving synthetic central nervous system in making biology, synthetic. I'm fascinated in being able to make this almost biological metal, but then silicon has been almost biological brain for some years.
I may keep inquiring on this, but have things to do. I'm more interested in this moving along in the injected to see how these synforms perform. Aluminum conducts electricity, but it gets hot. Must be hell to have an immortal body in meltdown from a lightning strike. Walking lightning rods.
Nuff Said