Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Vax Hit


IT's a matter of Black and White Colin,
you just were not White enough like my Bil..

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The fact is General Colin Powell's family signaled a vax hit was put out on the old Obama supporter who knew too much and was in the way.

The admission  was odd in stating first that he was fully vaxed as it hurt the 1% cause. The admission that a vax hit was put out on Powell and the other leader of the party in Bill Clinton. Clinton being a White man and a Rockefeller was saved, whereas Powell being more Black than image Obama was given Remdesvir for the toe tag exist.

Liberals must be ware, the Stalin house cleaning inside the American Left has begun, and it is only a beginning.

Nuff Said

No prominent leftists died from the COVID for two years and now that has all changed. The cloth of the land is being cut.
