Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Vax Flu 2021 AD in the year of our Lord


I'm too lovely to have booger nose.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a head's up on what is out there to attack you, I have come across two of my associates who have a really unique "flu" which is abnormal.

The subjects are Gary and JYG, one vaxed and the other unvaxed.


Their "flu" started without alarm, in both several weeks ago woke up with having lost their voice or sounding as Gary said, "Like a big black singer" in a frog in his throat.

Both seemed to not have any problems, just laryngitis. The problem is, this flu is not going away.

When I spoke to Gary today, his friend said he had this shit too, all males, and he still had it after 3 weeks.

Gary had snot sloshing around in his head, and a slight cough. His wife is making him sleep in another room as she does not want to catch this.

Gary is extremely tired and falls asleep a great deal. Gary also has vax clots and thought he was dying not long as he had heart pain and could not get his breath.

JYG is healthy as a horse for an old guy. I think he had the virus for several days this past spring, after standing around in the wet and cold. He has not had a voice now for almost 2 weeks.

So there is a lingering condition out there which is abnormal.  There appears to not be a fever, chills or even a runny nose. I would add that Gary had a cough from the heart problem before this all started, so there may not even be a cough.

Now for what I suspect.

Gary stocks products in a store, and he is not a Typhoid Mary, in he is not spreading this virus by touching things. I have been around him for weeks without no problem. JYG I have been around for a week literally, very close in working, outdoors, but all the same I do not believe this is spread by air particles, and it appears not touch. I'm presuming this again is a virus picked up by touching things and eating the virus that way or picking your nose, much like the feces spread Coronavirus Wuhan.

Gary's wife is not catching this nor is JYG's. So to catch this, this has to be ingested, but this virus or perhaps bacteria is being taken in the mouth and it catches on the tonsils and infects the person for quite sometime as these males are not getting over this annoying sickness.

So this is out there I have to study these people to know what the problems will be. I have no idea how long this thing is going to last in these males or if they will ever get of this. I listened to Peter McCollouch on Rense and this doctor was saying in his patients he was not seeing effects in the short term so long term it would not be a problem in vaxing, even if he talks about vax deaths.

We simply do not know, nor does this doctor, how many saline injections were given, what kind of sleeper effects from the mRNA. I have seen people gaining morbid weight and looking like aliens.  We were told there would be viruses develop from this mass vax. This snot problem above the shoulders in these people is not going away. That is abnormal. There is something out there which is not going away in these males.

Dr. Peter A. McCullough MD

The 'Vaccine' War On Human Kind

This is an early warning in this. I still wear latex gloves in public, we bleach our groceries and we are still careful in our regimens.  Something is out there which is hanging onto males. Being sick for weeks is not normal. The best way is to be careful in not catching whatever this is or what is out there.

Nuff Said
