Saturday, October 23, 2021

Woke to Alec Baldwin


Was Alec Baldwin the above portraying normal Americans
with respect or like all leftist Hollywood, degrading them again
as he shot two innocent people down.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

ABC's 'The Rookie' bans 'live' guns on set following Alec Baldwin 'Rust' shooting   fox 

The banning of live guns on sets is not the answer as the firearms are not the problem nor or celebrities.

There is one reason a petite young blonde woman is dead from a movie set, and that is because an old liberal white male of privilege no longer possessed the skills to handle a firearm safely. This is not about gun tests for all or training for all, this is about an arrogant, rich white male who is liberal, and mused about others killing people, was not in control of his mental facilities in arrogance and killing an innocent woman and injured the director.

John Wayne has never murdered any one. Clint Eastwood never murdered anyone. Charleton Heston never murdered any one. All the Conservative action stars never murdered anyone on set, from Bruce Willis to Sylvester Stalone, for the simple reason they respected others and respected the firearms they held.

The problem in this is liberal males. They must be banned in performing in movies of actions and violence. This is a people issue and everyone knows it.

The reprehensible public relations stunt Alec Baldwin pulled after shooting two people on set in using the victim's husband as a prop, proves Baldwin was covering his ass, and was more to the point, concerned about his career, rather than the people he hurt and harmed.

This movie script he was working on, was once again another liberal manifestation of Kansas rednecks in some insulting setting. Do you think Alec Baldwin would ever take a script which showed people in a positive light who are not like him? He can not even get along with his Conservative brother. He went insane over Donald Trump in the most disgusting portrayals on Saturday Night Live.

If you ever watched David Letterman on his show, with prop gun play which was dangerous. That is how this cocktail crowd is. Hell any redneck can handle a gun, so a liberal of course is an expert and doesn't need to be bothered with the director or cinematographer setting up a scene, because Alec Baldwin is a the star and why should  there be any respect for the authority of those telling this movie story.

As we are in a woke world now, it is time that we woke up to liberals, who make money off of guns and violence, and then condemn those who are poor in having Constitutional firearms in protecting themselves, because when they call 911, the cops never appear until the poor are raped, robbed and murdered. But the poor are always the criminals in Alec Baldwin's political group.

So in being woke, ban all liberals from action movies and any movies with weapons. Let them perform in things like that farce Hamilton or other Oprah Winfrey movies where they sit around talking. I just watched Double Jeopardy with pussy hat Ashley Judd. Lots of violence and gun play, she shoots her husband, and this is another dripping liberal, using money from poor people to infringe on poor peoples Rights. This all needs to stop and it begins with banning Alec Baldwin and other liberals from ever being in movies of the human condition.

Baldwin keeps professing innocence and blaming others, but the fact is this Baldwin claim, "Gee I didn't know the gun was loaded", violates the first law of guns.

Warrant: Baldwin Didn’t Know Weapon Contained Live Round


That is what every rural child is always taught, with extreme pain if the child does not heed the strict warning. You can never take a bullet back and that is how every person who grew up with firearms treats them.

That muzzle is always pointed down or up, so it is not pointed at people or animals.

Jennfier O'Neill spoke out about her co star, Jon Eric Hexom who was clowning with a prop gun with blanks, and killed himself when he put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger.

For Alec Baldwin, the one question is simple, "What the fuck were you pulling the trigger for when a woman and a man were in the line of fire?"There is absolutely no excuse for this. The cameras were not rolling for a shot, so even if someone tells you to pull the trigger you still aim it down and away, just in case someone made a mistake.

This is the problem with woke anti gun liberals. There is not a person who knows firearms, when handed one, that does not keep their finger off the Ashli Babbitt trigger. That is the first rule with the muzzle pointed in a safe directlon.

Alec Baldwin violated the first two rules.

If the person is familiar with the firearm model, then the next step is to make sure the firearm does not have a round in the chamber.

I will routinely check a weapon three times.If it is shotgun while, hunting, I always am checking the safety to make sure it is on as in moving it make get flicked off. For handguns in the old Colt style I will as stated, revolve the cylinder  3 times to check to make sure I have an empty chamber or it is sitting on a fired round. I'm paranoid about firearm safety as the majority of gun owners are.

Hollywood is notorious for the Alec Baldwin gun play. They would never let Baldwin behind any vehicle or aircraft without training, and yet, Baldwin gets a gun like he is a trained marksman.

From what this all pans out now is, they are trying to frame as on January 6th a young woman who for the movie was the armorer . The thing is she was trained as a child and she was the head prop master on a Nicholas Cage movie......and wow Nicholas Cage didn't shoot any women, because Nicholas Cage is not someone who posts rants and degrades others.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
