Wednesday, November 24, 2021

A Tale of Twin Vaxed


Wow bro, you look like crap...
Well bro, you look like shit.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will have to admit that having a dead brother has it's better points. The dead sister was a real downer. I think it was mostly the living people were such downers and just would not let it go. With a dead brother, you had that one asshole sister crocodile crying to my brothers co workers who told her that he loved her. (That is not what he told me and I'm now pondering if we have another sister out there as this can not be the one with the asshole husband who TOOK THE CENTER SEATS AT THE GRAVE SITE, SO MY BROTHERS KIDS WERE SHOVED OFF TO THE SIDE)......yeah and you thought that I was exaggerating on the asshole sister. The other asshole wandered around in a mask some times, sometimes the mask came off and other times the mask was back on. She is a school teacher so...........what the hell else do you expect from a school teacher.

I'm wondering where this post started and now see it was about dead people in my sort of family. I like the idea that I do not have to deal with my brother again. That is a true take away. I did good things I hope God is pleased with, as even the Gravedigger I was visiting with put the extra touch of black dirt on the grave and it was crumbled up and not clumps. Small rewards for being interested in someone's work who is an artist with a backhoe.

I see things. I think that comes from being on the animal farm as you got to see things or the animals that are in trouble get dead. So I see things in people. Was odd at the brother's funeral in I remember him saying Beloved Uncle looked like hell in the casket. I thought the same thing about him, but only said it to TL, as I understand that cancer brain and other prion shit makes people look like shit. I thought it was just things coming around in you do not be saying things about dead people which are unkind as it probably comes back. I mean you got cancer brain and on cancer drugs and your head swells up. What the hell Maxwell in anyone looks good if their head is not a rotted off stump.

I digress.

So I'm checking the crowd over and I see this skinny shit talking to one of my godsons. I wonder who that skinny shit is, as people were there I did not know, and some I did know, but had not seen for awhile I still figured out, thank God.

I got to studying the skinny shit and then about that time, I started looking at his big fat head. He reminded me of the big fat head who runs the grocery. Anyway about that time someone says the skinny shit is one of our twin nephews and I can see the fat head is that other twin.

So I'm studying them and thinking, I last saw this duo at the mother's funeral. I knew them as they looked like they should. They were always sinewy boys,  you know, like you see Abraham Lincoln as a boy, no fat, just bones covered with meat that even a buzzard could not pick off.

I mentioned that to my niece in what the hell was wrong with those boys, as one looked like he was on chemo and the other was dying of radiation therapy. I mean, this is really troubling when you see people that change that much and look like hell. The skinny shit looked like he had aged 10 years. Hard to tell on a fat head though as fat just looks fat youthful most of the time.

I suspect the boys were vaxed as their parents were injected, probably first in line. My sister sill looks like she just got up out of her cremation event, but her husband was not there. The lie was he had a cold. The one twin told another aunt that the dad is forgetting things and blaming my popish sister.

Sounds and looks like allot of vax symptoms. That really impressed me as if these boys who are identical twins, and I wouild have preferred one being fat when they were little as it would be easy to tell them apart, have the same genes, and one gets fat and one gets old and thin, this prion is a remarkable genetic mRNA changing poison. It just might explain the wide variety of manifestations the vaxed have been having, as some get fat, some get old, some get senile, some get clots, some get whatever. As this manifested this way in two identical twins in this kind of diverse reaction,it would then project in the same way in the general population which is not releated.

At this point I do not even know where to start in  in how this mRNA is affecting DNA in this close of genus groups differently. To this reaction, is akin to why one sibling gets diabetes and the other heart trouble. This prion is affecting people at their base structures apparently in what makes us unique even among twins who appear the same person.

As the boys have nothing to do with me, I have no concern for them, and am more interested in the projection of their conditions in the outcome of this, as this will make projections into the general population, I wonder if this is different vaxes or the same. What appears to be taking place is one body is burning itself out and the other is responding by taking on weight in anticipation of a famine. You know like skinny Irish Mics and fat Afroids.

See the moral of this story is, if you are crying your eyes out for a dead person, you will miss all the interesting stuff. Granted I'm not like my cousin who touches dead people as ..........sort of ritual, as she said she had some kid touching my dead brother.  I have touched the dead, but that was when they were fresh. Think I touched a dead body after storage. Amazing how dead people are always colder than the surroundings, like a cold sink. Come to think of it, animals tend to be too. Always hear of dead weight, but you never hear of freshly cool corpses. Even the fresh dead though have that odd this does not feel the right kind of warm.

If the internet stays active, I will publish what comes of the twins.  They both seemed in a vax good mood, but then again how do two people look like hell in so short of tie and no one says, "Hey you look like hell what is wrong with you?"

Well that is the Lame Cherry observation in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

