As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have mentioned that I have written music. I can not read a note or know anything about music. For me music is Euclidean Ear, you can hear sounds that belong together and you can feel the rhythm in what it should be. Nature is all full of sounds like this in wind and birdsong.
Jun 3, 2018 ... Essential Guitar Lessons. Essential ... Playing 15 1 string guitar songs using 1 finger is the best place to start if you are a beginner guitarist. ... If you would like step-by-step guitar lessons for beginners to advanced players.
I wanted to share these videos as anyone can play music. You just memorize places your fingers have to rest, as in the guitar or piano. What is frustrating is people who play music easily and become educated take all the fun out of music. No one wants to sit for weeks doing finger progression and only getting Row Row Row Your Boat to play, as that sucks.
This is simple and fun, and you can pick on a guitar or piano to see what sounds good to you. In watching the above, I have a glimpse of what the people who wrote songs everyone knows, in one person with a guitar or piano was plinking at strings for hours, and suddenly something came out that sounded blessed good.
If you get the single notes down, you can start mixing in some strumming in basic notes, which really makes you sound like you know what you are doing. I always remember what Woody Guthrie told another famous student who was having problems, "I only play two notes and maybe three if I'm trying to impress a girl". Wow one of the legends of folk music made a career on two notes, and three if he was trying for a kiss.
There is nothing more relaxing than camp fires, star skies and some pleasant notes, in someone just making some music.
Jul 2, 2020 ... 15 1 string guitar songs using 1 string and 1 finger Part 2. ... on guitar that Michael Warren will be posted weekly for Essential Guitar Lessons.
This gets more complicated and takes work as you go to two notes on the bridge.
What you do is just do what is fun or easy, and not start suffering as you will have dust on your instrument again.
I'm going to include the chords here in acoustic guitar so you can see the A and E notes in the strumming and finger placement. It is just a few chords and the rhythm. My favorite is Horse with No Name.
The always experts have their ideas and America did it just naturally.
I include this gal from Boston who shows the simple chords in Em, C, G, D as she shows the transitions in the notes, which is good foundation to learn to play.
FIRST Guitar Chords You NEED To Learn - Easiest Beginner Guitar Chords For Playing Songs
Get this practiced and plinked and plunked and the rest is just building when you want to try something else.