Monday, November 8, 2021

......and now the US Navy caught lying

Round eye, I buy your traitors, then when your penis sub
try to run my channel, I make round eye limp back home.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the United States deems Iranians get blamed for crashing fast attack subs are good policy, there is something a bit off about the US Navy's official statement in what happened to the USS Connecticut in the South China Sea.

The first problem is the US Navy officially is not saying South China Sea.

The investigation determined USS Connecticut grounded on an uncharted seamount while operating in international waters in the Indo-Pacific region,” 7th Fleet spokesperson Cmdr. Hayley Sims told USNI News in a Monday afternoon statement.

We can cut the bullshit in this, as we know the US Navy was fucking around in disputed waters, not international waters. The Connecticut was poking around in a hole which it thought it was clear sailing, so clear that the Iranian Commandant and his wokesters were sharing their homosexual anal regions, instead of watching charts.

The real gem in this wokester adventure of propaganda though is this gem from the Chicoms. The Chinese communists who just moved to a war footing to take Taiwan from the United States,  are chiding the United States as to where exactly the Connecticut was when it ran into an undersea mountain.


Earlier this week, the Chinese foreign ministry renewed calls for the U.S. to disclose additional details about the incident.

The U.S. “has yet to give clear answers to questions like the intention of the operation, the exact location of the incident, whether it lies in the exclusive economic zone or territorial sea of any country, and whether the collision led to a nuclear leak or polluted the marine environment, all causing great concern and doubt,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday.
“We once again urge the U.S. to give a detailed description of the incident and fully address regional countries’ concern and doubt.”

Let us to a bit of translation in this. China knows where the Connecticut was. China knows the Connecticut did not hit some sea hill. China knows the Connecticut was cruising in what was deemed running waters (That would be safe channels which a submarine could run silent and fast) and it turns out the American sub hit something.

China knows damn certain what that sub hit.

Now here is some insight.

How would the Chinese communists know where Navy subs were running fast and silent? Why someone in the Pentagon gave them that information.

So now we know part of this theater.

The second act is the clairvoyant Chinamen, they knew where the US sub was when it hit something, and it is chiding the US Navy in it knew what that sub hit.

How does the US Navy story match up with the Chinamen taunting the US Navy?

China has been building lots of islands in the South China and claiming them as China. What do you think the odds are that Peking tactically in their Taiwan War, decided to close the door on the fast lanes US subs were tracking.shut a major door by dumping an island in one of those channels.

Damned impossible to fight a war without God, and only with traitors and wokesters in the US military.

Nuff Said


