As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
America has entered an age of where the legal system is void of Truth, Justice and thee American Way, by design. It is meant by the 1% to alienate the masses from trusting they system, and the latest horrific example is the innocent boy, Kyle Rittenhouse.
Every person watching the video evidence of the night that Soros Buffett and Obama domestic terrorists, paid by this underworld to riot and murder, knew that Kyle Rittenhouse was chased, beaten, and murder was attempted upon him several times that night, as he was singled out by the leaders of this radical domestic terrorist mob.
Word has it that the FBI sat on evidence again in this kangaroo court, where the surviving assailant admitted on the witness stand that Kyle Rittenhouse only fired his weapon, when he had been repeatedly assaulted, and the assailant on the witness stand, had raised his own gun, was pointing at Mr. Rittenhouse and was advancing toward the boy who had ran down the street away from this mob which was brutalizing him.
The Constitution provides all Americans with the right of self defense. If you feel deadly force is about to be employed against you, you have every legal right to defend yourself, and that includes killing the assailant trying to murder you.
It is not murder when you are defending yourself. The Courts know this, The District Attorney's know this. The police know this. Kyle Rittenhouse should never have been charged with committing a violent act, due to his unalienable right to protect his own life.
Yes this young boy has been brutalized by the system in the most ridiculous charade as of late.
The Judge who has been reasonable in this, should simply find the prosecution in contempt and dismiss all charges against Kyle Rittenhouse. The defense should be petitioning this moment for such a ruling.
From the reactions in court. Kyle Rittenhouse knew he had the evidence provided for his being innocent. No greater exclamation point on this was the prosecutor with his had in his hands, hearing that his witness was trying to murder Kyle Rittenhouse, and that is why Kyle Rittenhouse fired his weapon to defend his life.
For those who think this was all left wing lynching. The biggest gorilla in the room is ex president Donald Trump. Donald Trump should have restored order across America immediately. He should have engaged in a number of legal actions immediately, but he let this sham of his four years play out as lives were destroyed, cities burned, America forever raped and changed and then this President invited Americans to DC on January 6th for a wild time, and then abandoned them all without amnesty.
The greatest Patriot in this has been actor Rick Schroeder who put up a million dollars for Mr. Rittenhouse's defense and for his being able to not be jailed to break him as the Jan6ers have been. Rich Schroeder was the Best Samaritan in saving his young man's life, after the domestic terrorists outside the court tried multiple times to murder him.
Where to we go form here? Who the hell knows. The prosecution knew all of this, and none of them took a stand and refused to lynch this young man, no more than the FBI did anything right in protecting this boy, any more than Donald Trump did.
All that was proven in court was what all of us knew. Yet nothing has changed.
That is America now in a new age, sunken to the depths of people being framed and innocent people indicted for the manipulation of a nation to no longer trust the system.
Nuff Said