Thursday, November 18, 2021

Cock T on the Q Peters


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do you remember back in the Obama day that Michele Malkin all told us that the real scandal was Obama Czars to bring him down. That little deflection away from Obama being a Birther, netted Ms. Malkin several million dollars in the sale of her internet site.

She is now one of the Dr. Love experts on Q Peters.

3 days ago ... Michelle Malkin has been one of the real warriors on the right over the past few years. She has a new article out: “What Every Parent Must ...

3 days ago ... Michelle Malkin has been one of the real warriors on the right over the past few years. She has a new article out: “What Every Parent Must ...

It is sometimes just fascinating to sit on the stump and see what the heck wanders by to see what is associating with each other in the bean patch.

Nuff Said
