Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Great Tribulation Adventure

Just wait sister, the beast will strap your uppity ass.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will always defer to God in when God says the Great Tribulation is the worst time in human history, but my head hurts at the moment again as I have not had time to take the tea tree oil cure this year and I just have a different perspective on things.

Most of you had problems with the lockdowns and this plague shit. I rather enjoyed it after recovering from being hosed down a number of time for my own good. I played at the junk yard, played at my Grandpas and did not get things done on the Good Time Ranch. I really did not do things much different than I normally exist.

So I wonder in my existence, of being hunted down, being tortured, being soul raped, being abused, being driven to the point that I had a gun barrel in my mouth a few times, that in all my isolation of captivity while you were having a great life,  I can't really look at the Great Tribulation any worse than what I have already survived by being carried through by Jesus.

I mean I have been so sick that in taking walks I hoped vehicles would hit me. I spent around a year willing myself not to puke every day. Hell yes I've been shattered in every way, am a walking broken pot that has more glue than pot, so when God says the Great Tribulation is the worst time in human history, it is, but it might not be the worst time for someone like me, as I doubt it could be worse for me personally, and in fact, I kind of view it as a vacation.

I look forward to a paradigm shift where the police state is hunting all of you down, instead of just me. I look forward to not having to deal with people.........hell it is going to be a real vacation to not have to churn out more content than the Bible and St. Paul combined constantly. I look forward to just healing inside, recovering and listening to God, instead of this jet engine suction in trying to pull information from God in the hopes that some rich people will donate in appreciation of their lives being saved.

I think of societal breakdown. That means no one has to follow the rules. That kind of sounds wonderful to me, as I have Holy Angels, am good at being a scout, am good at hiding, am patient as patient can be, and I know how to go into myself, shut down and pretend it is all happening to that unfortunate girl who looks like me.

Some will remember baby sister. She was a real trial as I had no idea she was there. See I have always known I was like two halves sown together to make a whole. Not kidding, I had moles on the same parts of my body opposite each other.

They say that everyone has a twin in them and they absorb that twin. Well I was known in the womb and baby sister must have been Spiritual too, as she was in me, and she fought me in a struggle like that Lazarus episode on Star Trek. It was exhausting hell as I knew there was a struggle, but had no idea she was there. The Holy Ghost finally explained too man years too late she was there, and I dealt with baby sister in explaining things and sending her to Heaven. That part of upheaval in me ended and all is quiet there. The rest is still a storm but I keep hoping for peace and praying for peace.........but maybe I'm here to work rather than rest an that is what Heaven is for.

So my existence has been one Great Tribulation, People trying to murder me, satan trying to murder me, and it was a non stop bad experience. It just is the point when the Great Tribulation moves past this easy phase, that I believe I will be on vacation as the rest of humanity goes fetal position. That is fear and I don't get afraid. Yes I get apprehensive about bad things, but that is the unknown, as long as I know things, I just settle down, know how to suffer and trust in the Lord.

That really is the thing about TL and myself. We are allot like in having really bad things happening in life and not having a great time of it. We were both locked down by the KGB as children so this lockdown and all this shit never bothered us. We both would rather be isolated as we hate people. So what is bad to most people is not suffering to us.

Wormwood, great scientific adventure. Billions of dead people......I was not there for the buffalo so that is really going to be something to see. I love garage sales, love the junk yard. Be a real shopping spree to have houses as far as the eye can see with nothing but rotten corpses on the front lawn and seeing what goodies I know I just have to have. We got trailers, still would like a team of horses, so..........well am sure there is going to be a grand pile of things.
Might even find rich people's money stash. That would be cool to start fires with worthless money. Have me a 100,000 dollar fire and just smile. as I look at rich person's white bones in the firelight at night, as I later go sleep in rich person's big bed

I look at the Great Tribulation as liberating. Nothing will have value but our lives. If want to burn a house down to warm up on a cold day.........hell no laws in the Brier against that, so you just light up and enjoy. Probably will not have hotdogs to roast as they will be long gone, but I could probably roast the ass steak off of some animal and have a good ole time.

I'm not afeared of dying. I have been through hell my entire existence. How can I not look forward to enjoy a time when all the people who are assholes suffer and die. That would be a pleasant memory game around the fire, of "Hey you remember that asshole, who did that?" "Yes", "Yeah they're dead. Set their skull on post and larks shit on it".

I already have the inside ending on this as Jesus comes back, body changes me, and I get to work some more for Him. I won't get sick or tired, so again, the Great Tribulation was my vacation and afterwards I get to go to work again, but I won't get sick or tired.

So the Great Tribulation is probably going to not be fun for you. I already had my misery so I get a vacation in the Great Tribulation as I already had my worst time. Just remember that I consider the worst of times not so bad, so remember Jesus got me through, and He will carry your carcass through too.

Maggie would probably call that snarky, but I think I'm a good influence on her for that.

Nuff Said
