Saturday, November 27, 2021



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

TL mentioned in all the blathering at the start of this Plandemic that people were mentioning the 2011 AD in the year of our Lord movie, Contagion. So we watched that and another piece of shit British film called Doomsday. Now Doomsday saves you watching allot of films as it stole Mad Max, stole Alien APC scenes, stole Legion scenes in hot Scottish bitches and stole Gladiator scenes.

Anyway Contagion stars Lawrence Fishburn as the corrupt self serving head of the CDC who had a Dr. Strangelove in Elliot Gould making bat shit viruses and that hot Pride and Prejudice woman as a microbiologist hiding biological weapons, and Jude Law as this blogger who find some natural medicine cures the plague and is hounded by the government along with Fishburn into silence.

Yes as you can see we have all been playing our roles just as this movie scripted, in ghoul Fauci, hot Dr. Sexies telling us things, biological weapons, bats, China, and a hot cunt Gwen Paltrow cheating on her Minnesota husband, Matt Damon, while eating bat burgers in Hong Kong and coming home and fucking some guy that sounds like Jeff Goldblum in Chicago spreading the virus back to Minnesota.

Yes, all happened exactly as the movie said, and as it was staged in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

I remember years ago in the news had on a report, showing fruit bats eating whatever fruit grow in China, and dropping them in pig pens and the pigs getting bat shit flu and spreading it to humans. Never happens, but they were conditioning for this decades ago.

In this Mockingbird movie of Minnesotans going fucking nuts over medication and soup lines like Obama's BLM and ANTIFA in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, we saw the literal blueprint, or no one saw it as no on watched this shit back in 2011 AD in the year of our Lord.

Contagion ends with all is Minnesota nice again as a lottery appears and people get their vax and all are healed, as Big Pharm gets rich and Jude Law is an enemy of the state no one cares about as the credits roll.

The reality is Americans and the rest of the world have not gone animal as the movies portray. People are sensible, except if they are Obama terrorists paid by Soros and Buffett to burn down a nation or San Fran for Chicom colonies they are promised. This propaganda though was exactly what all of us have been living.

The question in this for all to ask is, "When ever has a movie been made that everything happened a few years later exactly as the movie said it would?"

Jude Law can be warned of shit, but the fact is this movie saws this virus came from humans. This virus and others are being kept by humans in labs and it is all about money making for the industry. Just so you get this, this movie is not honest like the Sermon on the Mount. If you are seeing narratives nailing Big Pharm and blaming freak microbiologists, those are scapegoats for you to focus on, as what is going on behind the curtain is the real agenda.

I'm piecing together a projection on this, and I give it better than average in being a correct time line, as when I post on this stuff, my computer slows down and other problems appear. By God's Grace, I have again happened upon unconnected information, which when it goes into the LC 486 it becomes a time line which makes sense. There is more going on here than what you are being shown and Sodom and the sister cities are as zombie in staying put as all of you are now.

If you want a review of the hell you just were put through, find Contagion and this Doomsday online, and be disgusted, except Jude Law performs as he always does well, and a hot chic gets sick.......let me find her...........

That's her, Kate Winslet. She looks horrid, think she dies, but she goes for hot like the impish Jennifer Ehle, as you get to see Gwen Paltrow's whore skull cap get cut off. That is like all Paltrow's acting in not much there.

Contagion is a 2011 American thriller film directed by Steven Soderbergh. Its ensemble cast includes Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude ...

Nov 26, 2020 ... Jude Law says while shooting Contagion, scientific experts working with the production warned that a similar pandemic to that in the film ...

So that is about it in another reason to be disgusted in all of us being made to act in a film, which never had a sequel, but now we are entering the real phase of the Jeff Rense stuff, and the 1% stuff and the stuff of those who hosed me down. That part will be more interesting. I do like Jude Law though when he is not using that Brit accent.

Anyway, Nuff Said
