Sunday, November 28, 2021

Cowboy Cumberbatch

As another Lame Cherry exclusive inn matter anti matter.

After Alec Baldwin recklessly slaughtered a woman on his Fucko Western Rust, we now have a Kiwi Western, starting Bendict Cumberbatch, in New Zealand, written by some skirt, writing about Montana. Seriously, this is so fucked up in not being authentic that it is a mockery of history.

The picture of Cumberbatch is like dressing Abraham Lincoln in Elizabethan costumes and calling him a Civil War period of American history. No one in Montana looked like this.

I mean not any disrespect to people of Missouri but what Cumberbatch is dressed like are the boorish Missourian people who historian Francis Parkman detested. He stated they were all ignorant, nosy and repulsive. They would approach Parkman and say the same damn thing and ask the same damn questions.

If you look at what Cumberbatch is dressed in...........try riding a Montana bronco with those straps o your shoulders and it will feel like you are being castrated and the seam of your pants is cut a new crease in your ass.

There is a reason that Cowboys did not wear bib overalls or suspenders yet here we have a Kiwi Western so fucking out of place those Goddamn whiskers. Men shaved because they had lice and men shaved because men who did not shave were viewed as lower caste rubes, unless they were Buffalo Bill or George Custer and they both found razors when back among people.

If you want to know what a Montana Cowboy was like. Read the autobiography or Elmer Keith, one of the deans of American firearm writers. I promise you that if Benedict Cumberbatch would have looked twice at Elmer Keith, Elmer would have shot the son of a bitch the first look.
If you think that is without basis, Elmer got it in his head, that he hated the local Sheriff for Elmer reasons. So Elmer made it a point whenever he saw the Sheriff to cross over the street and make the law officer, cross to the other side of the street. If the Sheriff would have not run like a coward, Elmer would have killed him.
Elmer was one tough bastard. As a child he was severely burned as a child and crippled. His hand was a crabbed claw. Elmer though was not having that, so he told his parents to smash his hand between a board to straighten it out. They got him drunk and smashed the hand. You could see the sinews and the knuckles, but when it all healed up, Elmer had his hand.

Mr. Keith once chased a doctor out of his room with his six gun when the quack tried to operate on him. He had no tolerance for ill mannered people or foul mouthed women.

The real picture of a Montana Cowboy is President Theodore Roosevelt.

Where are the whiskers? Where are the castrating bib overalls? Where is that fucking Missouri sod buster hat? Not if fucking Montana!

I'm so fed up with this fucking Jeff Bridges trash being portrayed as American Westerners. No one who settled America looked like Baldwin or Cumberbatch. These were men and women of character that God smiled on.

I will close this out in an observation by Teddy Roosevelt of life in Montana and the Dakotas. Roosevelt was a Sheriff for sometime. He also stated that lynch mobs or vigilance groups policed Montana and the Dakotas. He stated they did some good in hanging criminals who deserved it. They also settled scores. If there was some so of a bitch like Benedict Cumberbatch or Alec Baldwin in 1880 America, bullying people, being sons of bitches, those night riders would show up and hang the fuckers and no one said a word. If it was not hanging, then someone would pot them and no one said a word. That is they way communities cleaned up their problems.

One of my favorite historical stories was from an officer in the US military serving in Nebraska during the Civil War. He related there was a real asshole officer who kept cheating the men at cards. One day this asshole was walking past the quarters of a man he cheated and BANG a gun went off and killed the asshole deader than honesty in America. The shooter walked out and said "Oh hell my gun went off as I was cleaning it".

There was hearing. There was an investigation. When it all ended, Meyer said, "Everyone knew that shooter shot that asshole on purpose, but as no one liked the asshole, nothing was done about it".

The difference between the shit you see on screen and who real American men were is dishonoring the real men. Baldwin and Cumberbatch would not have lasted a week out in Montana before they were wearing a woman's dress to hide from getting their asses beat for the low life they are.

Finally, American patriot and hero from Missouri, Jesse James. A man who would have beat Cumberbatch and Baldwn's asses. who did not engage in asking stupid questions of Francis Parkman in fleeing Missouri in being too stupid to grow things there.

Nuff Said
