Saturday, November 6, 2021

Group A Group B


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter exclusive.

The above creature does not exist.........according to Jeff Rense and the microbiologist Erica Khan with the humanoid looking Dr. Flemming assuring us that the above creature with aluminum body and carbon feet does not exist.

After pushing the transhuman reality on this is now being mocked.

That does not make sense.

Let us make some projections.

We know someone created a biological weapon, to create a weaponized synthetic prion for a reason. We have seen stories pushed on magnetic humans, 5G activatios, graphene, nano particles etc...

We know the 1% in the DIA has allowed a certain group to produce this data which has kept people from being vaxed. Dr. Carrie Madej is one such person, who is being attacked by Rense and Khan as she does not know what she is doing or saying in the creature she found as did a Polish Geologist who did the work up on the make up of this creature which has never seen before in nature or lab, as a contaminant. 

That means two groups or one managing group and one group being allowed to produce data, which would create a human group who would not submit to this vax.

I'm going to add another group in this, in the group who hosed us down to immunize us, several times, who were in our home, got our pets sick and this group appears to be the one who released the wide spread immunized Coronavirus S strain to protect against L strain which was lethal.

We know that the vax kills those who have the immunity.

In review we have group 1, in the 1% the originators. The there is the Protector Group. Then there is the sub group of information being allowed to dispense information.

3 groups operating.

Now let us move onto a projection of Jeff Rense in he is anti vax. He was quite allied with the anti vaxers like Carrie Madej who appears on the Q Peters DIA platform. One would think that no matter the message, keeping people from the booster would be most important, but Rense and Kahn have disrupted the flow, in stating  this is not to be believed as this creature does not exist. What does exist though in their current line is bacteria in the gut is a problem. The push for antibiotics.

Antibiotics are ineffective against the prion. Bacteria appears as the body's immune system degrades.

I return to the promoted guests. Dick Allgire who is of the Star Children. Then another fringe guest who was promoting the Greys or demons who rape and torture people sexually for making hybrids. Yes the benevolent Greys when they are doing human experiments.

The Greys are making hybrids. That is from Rense guest George Filer who associated with the Nordics.

The connections:

The 1% are creating synthetic humans, evolved human hybrids.

The Greys are creating transhumans in biological hybrids.

The Lame Cherry has no data on the Protectors rhyme or reason. I simply know I'm not a hybrid from their work.

The DIA Carrie Madej group is information only, and is not creating nor favoring vax zombies.

So this links in two main groups and one creature. The projection in this is that Rense's group promotes the Greys so is assisting the Grey agenda in this. The Greys have hybrids, who are not known to be affected by the biological weapon. Erica Khan is fixated on the toxic proteins and the bacteria. This seems to be the threat to the Greys in the 1% has created a poison which does affect the Greys in their agenda.

This would mean that the Grey's are the source of the creature. The creature the would project to be something which would interfere with the 1% evolution of humans to be their slaves, so humans would remain in the biological control of the Greys who are satanic origiated.

This concludes that the 1% were assisted by the Metatron technology and apparently have moved to their immortality and have broken the contract with the Greys, whose agenda was to outwit the 1% from the start.
Two groups are at conflict over the control of the human specie. They seem to agree that the Neanderthal and the Shem line are focused upon for extermination or trophy control. One inferior and one superior.

That is what the data projects to.There are two groups involved in this. The 1% immortals and the Rense Greys at odds for control to bastardize the human DNA.

The projection on this is that a disaster is waiting. The immortals will have their immortal slave group while the Greys of satan will have their life extended group and what is left is the Remnant of the Spiritual DNA God created.

As Erica Khan is pushing the bacterial propaganda, it projects that this is the threat the 1% unleashed to exterminate the Grey's hybrids which have their own structure of influence in driving this agenda forward.

As metatron authored this technology for creating a body of satan, which will in the end bring destruction of the immortals, there is a Grey Catch 22 in this which has not yet surfaced, in the 1% immortals are not yet aware or are aware and have neutralized this tact. 

At this point Rense keeps warning of Ivomec and antibiotics, is a danger in using them every day. That indicates the Greys are having some problem with these medications too which interferes with their DNA agenda. The projection would be it interferes with the work of the creature, probably stopping the carbon feet from embedding in human neurological tissue.

That is what the data indicates. The two main groups are Group A and Group B. They are in conflict over the evolution of humans for their purpose at this point.

Understand that what you are being jerked around by in information is a diversion. These Groups are what are in the shadowlands and it is this agenda which is what they are focused upon concluding.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

