Sorry, I don't want to be mistaken as a crook wearing a Covid mask,
as I'm just a crook wearing a mask because I'm a crook.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I think a popular girl warned all of you that Virginia's election was a sucker punch either way it went and now you have Donald John Trump taking credit for it............
Yeah Mr. Trump and his vax Warp Speed now has doubled own in championing Glenn Youngkin, who is the ultimate Manchurian. The reason this fraud "won" is because stole the election from that straw prick democrat as Youngkin owns the Dominion voting machines.
Virginia Republican Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin’s former Carlyle Group cohorts own Dominion Voting Systems, the controversial voting machine company that is at the heart of widespread claims the 2020 presidential election was fraudulently stolen.
It gets better in Youngkin's vaginal canal actually chaired the handing out of liberal Woodrow Wilson's award..........Youngkin hands out globalist fucking awards.
In July 2011, [Christine] Lagarde was elected the 11th Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and was the first woman to hold that position. Since November of 2019 she has served as President of the European Central Bank, and is the first woman to hold that position. She is being recognized for her work in the fight against climate change and for gender equality.
Get a load of this list of former honorees:
Previous recipients of the Woodrow Wilson Award include former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretaries of State Dr. Henry Kissinger, General Colin Powell, Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, and Rex Tillerson, and former Secretaries of Defense Ash Carter and Chuck Hagel, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Ambassador Nikki Haley.
If you really think that 2022 AD in the year of our Lord is going to give you an election because of Virginia and the intrigue of New Jersey, you have your heads up your asses further than the Q set up by the DIA.
Who would have thought the Korean CIA money media would have been the one last place doing investigative work in the Mockingbird Media and yet World Trib did just that.
Nuff Said.