But where is the USB port and the touch screen on this device?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Durdan Bros get so flat world full of themselves sometimes that it is just dinosaur brain in how they think.
How Long Until Supply Chains Finally Normalize: Three Things To Watch
Ok if you read the article, based in Morgan Stanley, you get things should be better in 2022. Yeah if chicken grown teeth by miracle, as it all depends on work force in the Fauci lockdown scam and manufacturing computer chips.
I can tell you right now how to solve all of this and I have told you how to before.
This is a staged shortage scam. It is not real. That though is not how to solve this, beyond what I stated in making the military unload all those cargo ships and then allow all the independent truckers to run 24/7 and all the supplies will get through in a week.
No how you solve what ails the world, is by solving the genocide of America, and the first step is to get rid of technology, as that is what is killing the world. No I do not mean to get rid of cell phones or microwaves. What the Lame Cherry tells you though is to GET RID OF COMPUTER CHIPS IN ALMOST EVERYTHING.
Cars ran fine with carburetors, as did tractors. All that technology costs you a fortune. Just bring back 1966 Mustangs, 1970 Impalas and 1974 Ford F 150's and all of the problems in the world will begin solving themselves.
All this computer shit is causing the problems with these rare earth batteries. Go back to what worked, what started in 150 degree heat and 60 below cold, which was not bothered by sand storms or sitting in flooded water, and everything else will follow in fixing itself.
You don't need a fucking computer in your clothes washer, your oven, your furnace or anything else. They all worked before with a dial you turned on and it did not cost a fortune and it did not burn up tons of energy either.
This is not going to be done as America is done having American Presidents in this farce dictatorship, but ZeroHedge is saying most of the problems are computer chips, SO DUH GET RID OF ALL THE GODDAMN COMPUTER CHIPS and make things without them, as they did 50 years ago and lots of those things are still running.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said