As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was querying our meat cutter this past week if he was going to get any loin cuts in like last year, which we were picking up for around 21 bucks a slab. I did not ask where they came from or how, but he said they had gotten a "deal". We had been grilling them on Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter, as it was a great buy.
His reply was, 'If I could get them in, they would be 30 dollars a pound now".
I replied, "That money is not going to me as we get nothing for beef.
A woman standing there said, "I would not mind paying this high price if it was going to you".
I wanted to share this quote below so you know what the deal is in the ruining of American livestock, fronted by those Goddamn vegetarians who were stooges to overthrow American land ownership and have acted so Goddamn superior for years when they are dupes like the rest of the left.
For more than a decade, retail prices of beef have been steadily rising, going from $6:81 to $12:28 per pound for sirloin steak between 2001 and now.
Over the same time, the price for live cattle, has stayed flat, between $120 and $160 dollars per hundredweight.
So you can figure the above. Just make a slaughter animal, 1000 pounds. That means they are worth onf hoof, 1200 to 1600 dollars, which is not profit. It takes almost 2 years to produce beef from sucking tit, grazing and feedlot finishing. When that animal is butchered, not all goes into steak just like all crude oil is not gasoline.
They do use everything from hide to the guts to the bones, so there is not waste, but even with wheat farmers when you see 8 dollar a bushel wheat, there are 40 loaves of bread to over 40 boxes of cereal, so a bushel of what is worth 160 dollars in finished product and farmers get 8, or 1/20th of the market value.
It is the same with beef. I simply can not afford it anymore and my prediction of this to my old man after reading Soylent Green that only the rich and ranchers will be able to eat beef, is now the fact. I'm aghast in seeing what meat prices are now on all forms of food. It is beyond belief to see a roast at 50 dollars when it used to be 8.
So who gets the money?
I have been told the scam in this is shipping. No the truckers are not cheating people, but the conglomerates. Remember those Smithfield Hams? Well they shipped them to China to process. That is a long way over and back, and it is all passed on to the consumer. Each time a truck handles that meat, it jacks the price up by design. It is the same with wheat is hauled to the mill. Hauled to the processor. Hauled to a warehouse. Hauled to another depot. Hauled to a distribution center. Hauled to your outlet, and that is how you get 5 dollar a box cereal, as that box like everything else is traveling across the country like a road show whore.
Let me make this clear too, in this is like milk in the prices are rigged by those who control the marketing. If someone slaughters local, the same group will charge the same ghastly prices as everyone else does the same thing, because it is still costing to pay those Goddamn Mexican meat cutters and their kickbacks to Kristi Noem's wonderful conglomerate whore state of South Dakota.
The reason pork is still not a day's wages, is because it is all corporate, and they control every dime from the birthing warehouses to the finishing warehouses. Those pigs only see the light of day are hauled to the slaughter plant.
So a fat animal is going to cost around 1800 dollars for the animal for the wrapping and the slaughter now if it is your animal. This same price was what ranchers were paid 25 years ago, and your hamburger was 2 dollars a pound and not 5 currently. In fact, meat prices producers were paid had been going down for the past 5 years. That is the reality and there simply is not money in it after you factor in 60,000 dollar balers, 150,000 dollar tractors, 25,000 dollar cutters, and then you have to factor in your time for feeding and vet bills.
I was talking to our friend Pat who we had not seen for quite awhile. He asked if we had beef yet. I said we did. Without missing a beat he said, "So you got something to eat". I grinned and said it was. This is why I kept our few beef cattle. I knew this shit was coming sometime and now it is vax shortage rigged system here.
And do not think this rigged system is going to benefit ranchers, as John Thune the GOP did not do a damn thing when PREMISES TAGS were mandated by the USDA. That tag made livestock producers file how many animals they had so the regime knew. When the time comes, there is an Executive Order already assigned which will confiscate all this live meat for the rich. What will happen is ranchers will get an IOU from the regime and be ordered to "care for these cattle and you will be paid for them".
This blog alone warned you this was coming, as Joe Biden stated he was going to pay farmers, and no one would have their own crops anymore.
My cattle are my family, They are pets, and I intend to hide them as they lead on a leash.
Real meat though is nothing you will ever eat after this, as you are not the 1%. What you will get is Bill Gates Test Tube Meat, especially designed for the vax zombie nutrition.
Beef is a great deal like this blog. When you should have been paying ranchers for it to keep it at a price you could afford, you were busy buying tofu shit or shit from South America. When you should have been donating here, you were pretending you didn't have the money.
All of your regime media platforms like ZeroHedge know nothing about beef, just herding you. Same with that dumbass that Rense has on always whining about ethanol fuels or other ag realities he gets flat ass wrong, and that is why they are there, to feed you a line of shit like Rush Limbaugh always did.
So that is the story, and we have a mandatory Beef Checkoff like Soybeans and the lot, but when was the last time you saw a campaign for that, as they just take they money and divide it up among the assholes who are 1% thieves.
That is the reality of beef in what is and what is coming.
They are going to take all the land soon enough when those ranchers and farmers will not be able to afford to pay land taxes.
Nuff Said