As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Dear Mr. Simmons,
I have been a fan of your acting, your life and appreciated your ok music, my favorite being the horrid They Call me Dr. Love, as it is so off key and I like that.
The Lame Cherry even featured you and your wife as the ultimate Nordic alien hybrids, in what these demonic creatures should look like as everyone calls them too beautiful to exist, and you and your wife are a blessing in being so lovely you do exist.
That is why your fear troubles me. I know you have lots of money and have a great life, and are now old, a Jew who probably does not believe in Jesus, so you know the clock is running out and you are afraid of this Covid stuff.
Gene Simmons likens anti-vaxxers to flat-earthers: 'No b****, they died because they got COVID' ∞ washexam
The thing is Mr. Simmons, you are confused like most. You have the virus, the variant and the COVID mixed up. The virus was in two forms as bred in a lab and released to cause all this mayhem which you have been affected with. That biological weapon was spread in two forms. The one you contracted was an inoculation strain. The one Senator Glanzer of South Dakota was infected with was a lethal strain.
The variant is natural, in virus become less lethal to survive. Variants are nothing to fear just like the bioweapon was nothing to fear as the inoculation was for your benefit and the killer strain was only a problem if you ate contaminated feces.
Lastly, the COVID is a condition, which is like AIDS.from the HIV virus. Most of the people who have the COVID get it from going to the hospital, where the medical gave people Rendesvir which is a poison, that shuts down the kidneys, which then floods the lungs with fluid so people are put on ventilation and die horrid deaths.
So in review Mr. Simmons, you have had the virus, so you are safe. If you catch a variant, your immune system will protect you. Lastly if you stay out of hospitals, you are not going to die.
Now Mr. Simmons if you took the injection and it was a live injection, not saline, then you do have problems as this vax does affect people worse who had the Coronavirus Wuhan. It also is a serum designed to weed out certain racial identities like Neanderthals. The Ashkenaz in the state of Israel from their mass vaxing have had considerable trouble with vax flu, or what is the neo Covid, people who have flu like symptoms, but not a virus, because it is the synthetic prion in the vax which is manifesting symptoms which are indeed deadly.
So Mr. Simmons, I understand your fears. I just recovered from the 2019 version, What was severe in that year, only lasted 3 days. I probably would have died if I took the vax.
The reality is I have friends who took the vax, family who took the vax, and the ones who got the serum have changed. They have put on weight, some look like freaks now, numbers of them chatter about things they never would say, some had pets die from being shed on, and some shed on me and I got sick for awhile from that too, until it worked out of my system with some help from homeopathic treatments, as the threat to me and to all are the vaxed in the prions they shed. Some have had blood clots, and one just died this past week.
It all comes down to you are rich and scared Mr. Simmons. I'm a poor Protestant Christian and I'm not afraid. I never have been afraid of dying, as the dying is easy, and the living is the hard part.
You have had your say Mr. Simmons, and this time it is wrong. Your science is wrong, your notions are wrong, your fears have you not thinking clear and you are wrong.
You might try remembering that this all started when a lab in the Israeli state created a faux biological weapon for the Iranians to release, as the Iranians wanted to kill the Arab Sunni, and that was called MERS. The Dutch got samples, the Canadians studied it, the Chinese stole it, and added it to what Dr. Fauci gave them out of North Carolina. So when you want to throw around the words of who is your enemy, it is not the ReVaxNiks who are the firewall to people like you who are in the concentration camp of ignorance and having poisons injected into them, because the group who made this bioweapon and are evolving humanity, are not your protectors.
The ReVaxNiks are not spreading a thing, that is proven. It is what is in that needle, which provides no immunity, which is spreading something worse than death, it is spreading an immortal nature in the holocaust of humanity.
What you got going on now Mr. Simmons proves what you based your life on is failing you now. Fear has got you and the advice would be to try it my way, as I am not afraid.
God bless you Mr. Simmons and your family.