Saturday, November 13, 2021

This is Personal


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I knew a man who had melanoma. Got it cut out treated, lymph nodes cut out.

Went back for his 3 month check up. Had to leave work as he was not feeling so good.

They found him incoherent in his home on the floor. Doctors thought it was low sodium.

Treated him, but found the cancer was all through his body.

Was a tough week. Tubes in the lung to drain that. Two strokes one mild heart attack. Went for a walk went to sleep and could not wake him up. Barely responsive when they did. They think he had a massive stroke or brain bleeding.

Mar 7, 2021 ... Desai says that about one-third of hospitalized patients for COVID-19 will have low sodium levels. COVID-induced pneumonia that causes SIADH ...

Mar 10, 2021 ... Editor's note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape's Coronavirus Resource Center. Both high and low serum sodium levels ...

Apr 29, 2021 ... Background: New vaccines against COVID-19 are being rolled out globally. AstraZeneca's vaccine ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 was not known to cause ...

Aug 16, 2021 ... Researchers at the University of Oxford report that the risk of the rare blood clotting known as cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) following ...

Jul 9, 2021 ... A Virginia woman recounted a near-death experience following her second coronavirus vaccine injection that has left the left side of her ...

Now in this vax age what the hell do you think got into this man to cause this odd series of deadly symptoms?

The bullshit of the sons of bitches reporting me and fucking around with this blog on content. This is personal now and you just censor kicked the wrong Protestant Christian writing a blog that God Inspires.

You bet this is personal now.

