As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I no longer am fascinated or really give a damn about why people want to shut down this blog. I'm beyond caring.
The latest happening was tracked down to two PDF files, one on that Spartacus fraud from Zerohedge and the other from an online post about Bill Gate's Marburg. In both cases, the Lame Cherry examined the information and the conclusion one was a DIA operation and the other was a DIA operation, as the vax has been causing the same viral symptoms, so there would be not any need to get worked up about a German monkey virus.
Both articles were red eyed and unpublished. I deliberately placed the PDF files in the article so the authors were the ones who would get the credit as this was nothing the Lame Cherry had anything to do with.
So examining DIA fraud is now some kind of violation of blogging. I don't really care about any of this stuff as I have made up my mind that I have had the virus, recovered, a few times, had shedding prions and recovered, had a mild 2019 virus and recovered, so I figure I'm set to go until Jesus comes back in not getting sick from this bioweapon stuff again, as it is not feasible to release these kinds of lethal outbreaks any more, as they one achieved all it was meant to. Releasing more would be a risk that chance should not allow among the immortals or the hybrids.
The Lame Cherry does not care when the Indians dance, that is a song from Johnny Cash in Ira Hayes. When I state that, it means I don't care what the 1% is engaged in releasing viruses, sending the FBI out to hunt people down, I don't care about voting, about politics, about any other scheme which is coming down the pike, as my mindset is I have already moved to homesteader thinking in preparing for what is coming.
For the Darwin's a homesteader is someone who comes to Indian grounds, and has to begin from scratch, whether is a pioneer garden to making things myself. I have been preparing for all of this since my youth. I have read books on Canadian bush, Plainsmen, Homesteaders, Wilderness Survival and Trappers, lots of reading of how trappers survived and it does not make any difference if it is an asphalt wilderness or the kind with nature, it is leaning to cope, and just figuring that you are not going to have anyone but yourself, as you can not depend on anyone else.
So I can not be a problem, a threat, a whatever to any of those in power, those in the police state, those wherever, because I will not challenge their agenda, work against them, or anything else. I'm the rodent in the burrow gathering some seeds. I have not any interest in anything they have or will ever do.
So will I do not comprehend how giving credit to DIA information and projecting it is just a scam is some kind of promoting something, I'm just minding my own business, talking to myself and peacefully adapting by giving ground as they keep moving my borrow back into the weeds.
Near as I can tell, it is now a problem in telling people, that they are being lied to.
Nuff Said