As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Wow is was like 20 degree cold today and I spent an hour outside talking to the neighbor and my hands are so stiff it is hard to type, but I will persevere as this this information is for the rich and the wealthy. So if you are poor, please disregard as God loves you and that is enough, as the rich must be made special allowances for as they are better than the rest of us, and I simply must help them in every way that the Lame Cherry can.
I know rich people would donate, but it is difficult clicking on mouse things and filling out forms. They have other rich people hired to do things like that and let us face it if we poor people had money we would hire it done too. Granted no poor people are reading from the first paragraph as they are honest and I am talking to myself here, it just helps the narrative.
So how do we help rich people donate as we know they want to.
The first thing it is me doing the work as rich people should not work. How I do the work is, I just do the solving of this donation thing.
The first thing the rich person does is they go into Paypal, or I suppose even something else crypto, and they start as Paypal account. It only takes an email address to start out, so they do not use their own, but something from like Yahoo as the CIA and DIA control Yahoo now and we want to make things easy for everyone.
So they start the account, fill in what information they need to, and then they activate one of their thousand bank accounts. This takes a bit to verify, but Paypal does all the work. So in a few days a few pennies go in and out of their real bank account and all is proved kosher and they now have a Paypal account to which money can be deposited.
This is the simple part. The kind rich person now having all the obstacles removed in donating, simply goes into their bank account via Paypal and uploads like.....say they have 100 million dollars in their account, they put in 10% or 10 million dollars as this is Biblical tithing.
So the 10 million transfers to their Paypal account.
Then they contact me via a small donation and leave a message saying something like:
Dear Ms. Cherry,
I love your blog and would have donated previously, but it simply did not work out, until you showed me how. Please log into this Paypal account, here is the email, and this is the password, and when you log in, change the password as the account is yours, along with email address.
Enjoy the 10 million dollars as you deserve it and have worked for it.Sincerely, The Generous Rich Person.
The Generous Person then deletes their information and I of course would never look at it anyway.
So of course I'm thankful, and follow the instructions. Then of course I contact the IRS for what I would be scheduled to owe them, figure out the amount and I pay the government.
No one has to make contact with the other person directly as of course this is for all party's protection and everyone is happy for the good deed which has been accomplished.
Of course this was Inspired by God to help out the rich and generous wealthy. I always like assisting everyone and nothing is more assist worthy than the rich and the wealthy, as the poor after all have God and that is better than me.
This is of course my good deed once again in serving humanity. It is so simple and easy and I'm surprised that no one else has provided these simple instructions to help people out. It just came to me and I know this was from the Holy Ghost.
All that remains to be said is of course,
Nuff Said