Friday, November 5, 2021

King Charles


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We were getting gas the other day, and I was already frowning as some out of state asshole had parked their big diesel pickup with a trailer as long as Noah's Ark in the gas lane and of course were not in the vehicle, because no one else in the world would ever need gas in the Brier Patch.

So I was putting in gas and TL said there was a cute dog on the seat. I has glanced coming in and thought it was another one of those Goddamn Australian Shepherds. Why the hell any normal person would want a sheep dog, skinny as a holocaust inmate after allied bombing cut the supply lines so the Germans got blamed, I have no idea. They are hyper and just Goddamn cattle dogs. I just have not time for things like that.

So I looked over and could see a dog as the head was turned. I mumbled something to TL that it probably was an Oz dog and went to filling gas and was assured again it was a cute dog.

Do I checked again, just knowing that the owners would appear and think I was casing their monster truck and then I was puzzled as I was looking at hunting dog............had to be a puppy as the thing was just little and petite.

Back I went, and here comes the family from out of state. The guy was coming close as the women looked like they thought everyone wanted to rape them as the Brier Patch folk apparently have lots of horndog women just looking to rape out of state women on the pavement.

So I says to the guy, 'What kind of dog do you have?"

He is not following so I repeat and he says, "A King Charles".

"Oh," I say, "You got a Spaniel".

He was most impressed that I knew the breed and he said the dog was 4 years old and he had got it out of the metro.

I was delighted as this dog was as cute as JYG's teddy bear dog.

I was reading about them, and they are probably out of Asia, became Blenheim Spaniels and were crossed with pugs, and voila you got these dogs of different colours. They have probs with heart and eyes, and I would think ears too as all that fur always gives problems with long hair dogs.
My beloved Ruby I always had to soap up and wash in her ears and chucks of shit came floating out. Always ended up getting a shower in her shaking off after I bathed her. I miss that shit even if the cat fills in shitting on the floor and the other claws me every day at 3:30 AM to get fed and will not stop pestering me until she is fed.

I have no idea why God is holding back on a dog, as I would use her for hunting, but a major shit meltdown is probably coming and is why my old stuff was dying this year.

Oh well, at least I got to see a cute dog and do not have a sheep dog imprinted on my memory and me wondering what the hell kind of idiot gets a dog like that.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

