Friday, November 5, 2021

God's Trouble


I'm having such a terrible day. I had a pimple.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Word which came to me by the Holy Ghost was from the Prophet Jeremiah. This was on October 3rd. 

The reason for this, as the leaders of the fringe have been predicting that things are going to be better. That in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, things will be better, even if things are not so great, but in this cosmic feel good, things will be better.

I would repeat that in the End Times, it is called Jacob's Trouble. It is defined as the Great Tribulation. Trouble and Great are not, "Well you suffered in all your luxuries in a mask lockdown so now you can go back to your old ways". Trouble last and there is nothing worse than Great, it is the Great Tribulation.

In the Bible verse for today the Word is complete. God is furious. His fury like an avalanche is not going to stop moving until it is completed. The intent of God's Heart are Judgment, Reckoning and Punishment. Think about Sodom and the sister cities of that most fertile place on earth which after God got through with those people who really were not as vile as most Americans are, it became a Dead Sea where nothing has grown for thousands of years.

To make the point, on Christ's return in war, Jerusalem splits and a spring opens up, which flows into the Dead Sea and turns it into a watered oasis again. Once God shuts things down, they stay shut down, so when God says Trouble and Tribulation, He MEANS that in the fullest context, and not your kind of trouble in you can't find your bottled water or you cell phone is slow to load.

Jeremiah the Prophet

Chapter 30

24 The fierce anger of the Lord shall not return, until he hath done it, and until he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it.

What is starting now, is just the beginning. We have not experienced the worst of anything, that is coming. All of the vile misbehavior of billions has been recorded. That bin of evil is going to be dealt with in God's Consuming Flame. He is not going to reward this nor perpetuate this kind of insurrection which we have begun experiencing by the 1%.

So if you believe things are going to get better. You will soon be educated that things were not so bad in a lockdown.

As it requires being stated one more time, it has been stated here.

Nuff Said
