Monday, November 1, 2021

Not so fit to Breathe

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly did not think of this for a post, but as Gun Shop Guy, likes these posts and they help the tards out there, it occurred to me while doing this tonight that, "Yeah what the hell will the tard do when the power goes off, and their generator does not work, and their tire goes flat or they need compressed air?"

So this project began with JYG. He had a hundred gallon air tank which he broke the hose off of, and I explained how I nigger rigged it out and replaced the hose and put on regulator for pressure and to turn the pressure off the hose so it would not blow.

This project started as my wanting to use this tank to build an air compressor, but as JYG got a better one, he sold me his old one which works wonders for I think 10 bucks in a bunch of stuff I picked up that day.

The problem with this monster tank is it has no handle and is hard to maneuver, so I was looking around about building a handle, welding one or if JYG had one. I scrounged and found an aluminum one and JYG knew that would not work, so he told me to rip the handle off a lawnmower, which I did, along with the starter cord and as I was taking things he was going to junk, I took the bottom brackets too of the handle as I might need them.

When I got home, the Holy Ghost turned the Light on and the bottom brackets fit perfectly on the tank, but were too long, but there were holes drilled in the pipes so ..............the Holy Ghost got to Inspiring again, and instead of grinding off the handles, He said to use a pipe cutter.

I had picked one up on interest, and they are the greatest invention ever, and I share it here, in case you see one, as no one knows what they are, but they cut pipes like a knife through butter by simply rotating them and turning the screw in.

So it took me about 3 minutes to cut the pipes to length, cut the aluminum handle and with a flat head bolt, bolt it all together and the handle works wonderfully, thank God!!!!!!!!

I filed off the sharp edges from the cut, and now my 10 dollar 100 gallon air tank is complete.

It would have been cheaper but JYG keeps things like air hoses an things for himself, so that part was like 50 bucks, but the bolt was 23 cents.

I now though have a tank, which I will fill with 150 pounds of air and it being a huge tank, it will hold that air for fillings in emergencies and when I take it to pump tires up far from electricity. I have two small tanks, 20 gallons that are great for small tires, but peter out on car sized tires.

People dump air tanks off or have them for pick up that are big  like this. Most of the time the tank is not rusted out, but the motor or pump is gone and people just want them gone. If all the parts are there, all you have to do is with teflon tape put in a fill valve and just keep what is already in place, and toss the parts that do not work and keep the parts that do, but you do not need them as extra weight to haul around.

JYG is tough on stuff, and this one was a bit more work in things broke off, but it is now good to go, and you had better think about an air storage tank that is cheap, unless you are rich, then you got the money from not donating here, but for others, a non leaking air tank is your emergency tank that is there when the electric is gone or you need a tank for things like I acquire in weed patches or trees growing up in them.

I have to go now and do things, but this is your million dollar survival, lesson. You don't want to run you generator or compressor sometimes as they are loud and loud attracts people who want to take things from you or want to insert things in your anus for sex which is unwelcome.

Nuff Said.
