Monday, November 1, 2021

Beyond the Vulcan Half Breeds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I realize it is a flaw in my character, but I'm fascinated by Nordic "aliens", because they are pretty. Basically there are these Nordics who I think are just attractive demons.

Jeff Rense finally got George Filer to tell his story which was fascinating as George has run the UFO reporting things for over 25 years. Filers story began when he was five with a friend.

They met a woman who asked them if they wanted to see her ship. George Filer thought that it was an Air Force plane, but it was not.

This took place in Maywood Illinois and she flew the boys to  the Appalachian mountains, the three were  John Fitzgerald (George Filers friend) , George Filer an Captain Hotness

I have always thought that Nordics would look like Shannon Tweed. And of course the men would look like Gene Simmons. I just am a fan of the manliness of Gene Simmons. Yes he is a rocker, but his political astuteness and the rolls he played in movies, have always impressed me.

They are just lovely people to admire.

The Nordic told George Filer a few things.

Keep the earth pretty.

Medicine to make you live longer.

Will eliminate crime. This bothered filer as he wondered how they were going to control people to accomplish that.

Lunch was turkey, ham and cheese, sandwich 

Saw her numbers of times, as a 5 year old fell in love with her. At 18, George Filer was at a carnival, when he saw a woman who looked like the alien. He talked to her, and her cousins and gave her a ride home. He married this real woman three years later.

The alien he saw her about 10 times. George Filer thought of her as a teacher. John Fitzgerald did not go with them again. Filer would see flocks of birds, and the stainless steel craft would come and light, looking like the craft in the movies. No markings, no steering wheel, and the craft would fly like it knew where she wanted it to go.

The Nordics are too good looking, meaning perfection. Every person who has come into contact with them, men or women, speak of the exceptional beauty.

The smaller greys are mating with humans in order to get them to human "looks" for when they arrive on earth.

This intrigued me in attractive demons. I have heard from those who experienced this that McDonald Aircraft and others in the defense industry had numbers of these attractive creatures working for them. Jeff Rense's father worked at McDonald too and spoke of the attractive blondes there.

As a journalist I thought, I should contact the defense industry and see if I could speak to these blondes. As most are gone now, I thought "Lockheed Martin" as they have Skunk Works and of course the F 35 fighter.
When I looked at the employee photos though, I winced as Lockheed has nothing but tard looking ethnics. There is nothing attractive. They all look fat, stupid, frumpy and there is no way in hell primates that look like this are building ............they look like they would have trouble figuring out which end of a broom to work with.

So I really would have liked to have interviewed hot demons who looked like Shannon Tweed and Gene Simmons, as they are such alluring people. But I'm not going to stick my neck out to talk to people this stupid looking and ugly. Near as I can tell these demons must be in charge of everything and they have hired the most off putting people 

I looked at General Dynamics..........nothing attractive there.

I looked at Facebook...........really nothing there.


I looked at Boeing........not there either.

So I do not know where the Nordics are employed.

This is Valiant Thor, and the associates. Again handsome creatures of this group.

I really am not going to associate with demons, but it would have been nice if Lockheed Martin had posted some photos of the Nordics, because they certainly like these other Nazi conglomerates do not employ Americans or any attractive primates.

I'm thankful George Filer finally  told his story as it is interesting like all of these strange stories. I forget the name of the fascinating genius who worked with the Navy and loads of these Nordics. Had interesting interactions and adventures like mountain top lunches. Apparently in Oregon or Washington they use to have alien signs up on a mountain road to direct people to the demon lodges.

No Mother I do not want to do a Lame Cherry interview,
as she only talks to the Nordics, not the Vulcan half breeds.
