As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So we get home from errands and one of the first chores is to discover if the cat has shit in the box or on the floor to clean up. Today, no shit.
Se we go for a walk, come back in.......there is cat puke on the floor. The Puntz of course, so I clean it up, but does it ever stink, like it has been rotten in her gut for how long it seems Obama pretended to be President.
So I clean it still stinks..........satan awful stink.
I look around and is it is up in the air when I check on the floor. I start wondering if some rodent died, but then it did not stink when we got home.........just the cat puke.
So TL checks...........nothing. We are both puzzled as this stinks.........warm kind of stink and sour.......just permeates.
The other cat stink. TL cleans that up. Thank you TL.
So I'm ready to shower and walk through the kitchen, and it is better, but it still stinks. Kind of drifting in the house. Damn that stink is just off putting.
So I put clothes in the washing machine, am sniffing around by the table again, as TL said there was like warms there this morning by the at food, so I wonder if the cat food went stink.
That is when the Holy Ghost got involved and said, "EGGS". All started to click then.
See we get eggs from the store and Mexcians are shit workers who break and crack eggs. TL poaches our eggs and sat some cracked ones on the table which I forgot about or was too busy in I ignored them.
Eggs rot. Sulfur smell. Yes and cats lick rotten eggs, Rotten eggs breed maggots. I know this as sitting hens have rotten eggs, they stink and they have maggots. Really unpleasant gathering up hatched chicks that way.
So I find the egg, yup more than cracked. Looks like it has a cat foot crack in the egg.
So cat breaks rotten egg. Cat, both cats sampled delightful smelling treat, one samples more, and pukes up rotten smelling puke that I clean up, and scent goes away almost, but not all. Other cat pukes, but only licked the rot, but this is the lesson that a lick of rotten makes you puke as much as eating a slurpy of it.
Here is another lesson. Rotten eggs are sulfur, just like hell, just like skunk. That is why the stink is there and why the stink stays. Yes after Pinesol the stink is still drifting off that spot on table. I don't mind as company eats there and we do not get company as I do not like company.
So that is my adventure in hunger games. Thing is rotten smells do not bother me that much. Have had lots of meals around rotten smelling stuff........bro in laws rotten blood foot for one and the dog puked up rotten cow afterbirth for another. Don't really have a weak stomach. I just don't like the smell of rotten things.
Just remember in the End Times full swing, you are going to be eating rotten things and be around lots of rotten things, like dead people, like the colonist eating rotten beef and fish. They ate it as that is all there was.
Anyway, you can't smell fear with rotten sulfur in your nose.