Wednesday, November 10, 2021

That which walks and not slithers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry will preface this, with every time I focus on the synthetic humans being evolved to slave immortality, I get this impression of extruded plastic, which is a sickening colour combination of black, purple, yellow, green, mottled, reflects light like plastic, but has a  transparent colour one can almost see inside.

While the colours are not there for the Greys or these vax creatures, I feel....connect in understanding that they are the same physical resonance, same entities.

When the Lame Cherry speaks of the hybrids having taken over the direction of humanity, and are at odds with the 1% who are taking over the direction of humanity, in their knowledge is from the same metatron forbidden knowledge, this is what is behind the vax. The portals were opened and the understanding to evolve was introduced again, after it has been bound in the waters of the Mideast.

I have a brother and sister cousin. I like them a great deal. The male one night started telling us about an experience he had, which I have stated people should not be taking chemicals to have enhanced spiritual extensions, but he had taken some natural substance with others, and he went on a trip.

This profoundly changed him. He said some people puke, but others have this vision of what is out there and you could see it was as profound as a near death experience as he knew God was out there from what he touched and what touched him.

People who do this are cautioned to only go to God Light associations as other things are out there. In essence below is a clinical study of what is out there, and what matches what orchestrated this vax SynForm of humans for the body of satan.

Reptilians Emerge

Remarkable similarities consistently occurred in firsthand reports from the experiencers. Once the DMT takes effect, colorful kaleidoscopic mandalas shift into focus and an overwhelming vibrating sound surrounds them. It continuously intensifies until the user is ejected from their body and catapulted into another realm. Suddenly they are inside a room filled with bizarre apparatuses. Reptilian creatures swiftly appear as if awaiting the person’s arrival. Other subservient nonhuman visitors are frequently present including massive mantises, robotic androids, and grey aliens. The reptoids converse telepathically while executing various tests. Psychonauts are crippled by a sensation of profound dread. Here are some statements gathered by the program’s investigative team regarding observers’ exposure to reptilians:

  • instill intense feelings of fear
  • cold & indifferent
  • extremely intelligent/ quick-witted
  • focused on technical work
  • have an agenda
  • large eyes, tough skin, webbed feet, sharp claws

For half a decade, data derived from the experiment was collected. Scientists gathered hundreds of testimonies which indicate a clear connection between DMT trips and ectothermic assailants. Consumers from different locations, backgrounds, and spiritual paths all shared eerily parallel testimonies. 

Of course in a government study, they are not going to warn people that this satanic order is out there. Apparently some of the higher Angels still have animal characteristics in the Angels which cover the Throne of God. The Luciferian order though appears to have been all reptilian and other orders followed to 1/3rd of the angels revolted against God. From the information in this regime study, it appears they are at work in hybridizing humans, having created these clones like Greys, who are interbreeding with humans by rape. In a way, the hybrids appear to be a breeding program by satan for his body of satan, and the vax zombie are a biological enhancement to achieve the same control of wills and mind to obey.

I will close this with this image. I could not find what I'm talking about. Just cross it with the thing above, like plastic melted in fire that looks dead, and that is what ......yeah like a stinking blood clot, that is closer.

Nuff Said
