As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So it all sounded like a good idea, a free trailer house, with the running deck under it so if the trailer sucked, I could use the trailer as trailer for hay.
Then the seller backed out in not delivering it.........yeah I wonder in this how much JYG might have known a few more details in this and as the goal post kept moving so did the dark hole I was being lured into.
JYG is great though in he never abandoned us once and kept hard at work..........
Well we got to move a wall of cement blocks and I got to dig the tires out as the trailer sank in the muck an the helpful seller of course unhooked everything and put on a missing tire..........but as JYG said "Yeah they didn't pump up the tires though".
So picture a trailer house you know Southern kind or some Minnesota thing that hnnters have for a hunting camp and I'm under this thing with JYG as he is having problems with one tire in the bead will not seal.
He has med dig it out and there are tree roots of course....still does not help and it is getting dark.
So he motions me over and says "I'm going to put ether in it, light it up and it will expand in the burn and seal the tire".
I have seen this online and for some reason expansion is explosion as that is what ether does is explode and it is violent and I'm thinking, "You know my head is right there. the space is confined and I see all sorts of bad things happening an thinsgs I think of know like tires exploding, burning me like napalm and me without insurance as donations never come in.
So I get instructions an I trust JYG as the man knows his stuff. I also am contemplating ruptured ear drums and my eyes ending their vision with shrapnel.
So the instructios are "You hold this air line on the valve and put air in it, while I put the ether in and light it up". No he left the ether part out but I knew what he was doing and as TL said "I saw you ther with your head turned and thought something bad was going to happen".
So I'm putting air in the tire and it seems forever as things seem forever about the time your life ends as things go in slow motion. So I'm putting air in the tire I hear JYG spraying ether in an things aren't happening and he shoots more in, and I"m laying there thinking "I wonder how much ether I'm going to be breathing before I fricking pass out and check my vision to see if I can see an then I crimp my eyes closed again as I do not want shrapnel in them when the 4th of July under a trailer goes off.
I don't know as I can't remember the sequence if I smelled things burning, but I know I smelled thiings burning an then there was this POOF which was not .........well think of a bang explosiion, but muffled by rubber tires getting explosed gases in them and thihngs shook as the tire I felt expand as I'm right there and just like getting a tooth pulled it was over and the tire was sealed on the bead and I'm still putting air in the tire. I put air in the tire for like 10 minutes as the pump really is not that good.
I look at JYG and he is putting out af fire besie me. I figure he must have lit some bond fire and used that kindling to explode the tire which is smarter than his Bic lighter and his fingers there. I do not know his method and I'm sorry about that, I just know I had a glowing fire beside me and I did not catch on fire.
TL could not fill in much save the inferno burning next to me, that it was kind of like a torch and the entire trailer shook when it detonated. So yeah, it was a bit of a big bang.
So that was my free thing. I never thought I would almost be exploded under a trailer with pyrotechnics as my near brush with death again.
Is the way life is, you just never know how it all ends Didn't end this time because I trust JYG and what kind of adventure stories do you ever have sitting in your Lazy Boy. I saw bones dead things things I should not touch and things I do not wnat to know what they are, and wondering if a trailer was goig to fall on me as I dug thngs out. I also almost got exploded hell more action going on under that trailer than was ever on January 6th. No dead Ashli Babbitt though, as no cops to shoot at me. Just ether exploding by my head.
Nuff Said