As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
You know that if Dictator Joe Biden was from some West Virginia to Missouri south into Texas, with his sharing his daughter's shower or inviting her into his, the sons swapping wives in death and life, their bartering America like Billy Carter, raping women like Bill Clinton, and stealing elections like Lyndon Johnson, the civilized metro folks who allowed the pedo to steal the 2020 election, you would hear them calling them crackers
Yes nothing like white trash. Got to know them words though and descriptions, round heads, rednecks, hicks, hollar folk, you know and crackers.
Crackers is special though, as they are the produce of the English, stuffing all them Scots and Irish slaves into the southern proclivities and they were good at it, as that is what survived Abraham Lincoln's war of genocide on the educated class of Dixie.
That Irish Mic though don't fall far from the tree. Put them up north and you got them Kennedy's doing that same Sodom and Gomorrah which the southern stereotype has so been branded on them Hee Haw folk.
Now I know my states, but sometimes I get them little ones in the east mixed up. I mean what the hell can a human do in a space that small. Turn around and your elbow is bumping Vermont. Who the hell wants to run their elbow into Vermont.
Take a piss in Massachusetts and your stream would hit Rhode Island and probably drown half the population. You just never know what your pecker or twat will rub up against with Delaware in the same bed.
See that is the Bidens. Irish Mics with all the trimmings. Damn thing is them Biden's were never men enough to stand up to the English and get bear in a war to get shipped off to America. No the Bidens is what stayed at home and sold out the other Irish like Obama's kind did in Kenya, to the English. That't the kind them Biden's were, digging potatoes, slurping up that cow's milk, and fucking as you can't have half starved Irish pale babies if them cradles ain't all full by a dozen Catholic head.
Yeah them right legger popers, all civilized selling them license, in their rapine and mafia mansions, selling souls and buying the politics to make legal their crimes. That's them Bidens. Not crackes mind you, as they never fought for shit. They is what you call the Delaware Saltines.
Nuff Said