Thursday, November 11, 2021

Don't die unless you got To.


According to this Chinese thermometer, you do not have Covid,
but you are ovulating Roger.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

PB  shared this helpful remedy for retarding colds or should it be viral challenged colds. 

Hello Lame Cherry,
I hope you are well.  Hope I'm not being redundant here, but it wasn't clear if it was Vit C you gargled or something else.  I have been very successful at preventing flu infection for decades now if, at >first< signs that something isn't right (that soreness under the flipper, yes), you crush a zinc supplement (I crush it between to spoons) into a fine powder and gargle it real well a few times, swallowing it afterwards.  Doesn't taste great, but it works.  I'll do this 2-3 times a day until it's gone.  It usually only requires one or two days.    I did get something also in early Jan of 2020 that lasted 8 weeks, but I wasn't intensely sick.  I did the zinc probably for a week to keep from getting really sick, and then probably once per day for a couple more weeks.  Had a lingering cough that wouldn't go away.
I have also used a neti pot with warm salt water to flush out the nasal passages if it feels like the soreness is working its way up the back end of the passages. (It's difficult to get up there when gargling.  You can force it up there, but you're likely to blow some of it out your nose.)  In a couple of cases, I put the zinc powder in the salt water too.  That stings a bit if there's any rawness in the nasal passages, but it's effective.  Technically, I believe you're supposed to boil the water before hand to disinfect the water and then let it cool.  Disinfecting the neti pot could be done by putting it in the oven at 220 for 5+ min.  I haven't actually done that, but it's not a bad idea, where the nasal passages run close to the brain.  I read somewhere where one woman flushed her passages daily and hadn't been sick for years and years. 
Hope this helps. 
Take care and God Bless,

Thank you PB

I should make up a peanut butter nickname. I loved Gerber Peanut Butter but you can't get it any more. Never like Skippy as it was sticky like dog poo. Jiff just was like burned Georgian anus. Generics were torture. Did eat Peter Pan, liked the chunky. Always liked the chunky.

I would be remiss if I did not counsel that God Cares for all of us, and when I try to take care of me, things go south.

I was being deceptive in not stating what I was using, as it seems when I start posting things, things stop appearing in the market. Like we always used chicken water meds and then the FDA fucked that up and Donald Trump didn't do jack or shit about it, and that remedy is gone, even for the pigs and chickens unless you want to get a pig prescription.......what a load of shit that is.

I use diluted over the counter peroxide. My Aunt Doro who I adore got me started on that as she was quite sickly from the things the chem corprs spray in the world. She always said, 'When you go to town, use alcohol or hp to wipe out your nose and ears. I have gotten sick, but not as often using her advice, and I use Q tips, and also gargle to keep things tamped down as PB said works.

Another thing. Since we have been swabbing out our ears with peroxide, we never get wax in our ears. Am thinking that wax is a allergic response to things and hp handles that. I have never had any side effects from this preventative, and as PB said if you get a germ, it keeps it mostly from spreading, unless it is some bad ass bioweapon which hits like lightning.

I was going to relate some other information in this post too.

A guy who works at the feed store, has got COVID, or should I say, he got the coof.

He is a Vet and has not taken the shots, never caught that thing, and got hit pretty hard I have heard, and I do not believe it was from shedding. So the 1% is either hosing down some products to keep people eating this bio bug, or it is Mexican shit this guy got a taste of.
As I recall, I felt like shit for weeks too as it zaps your energy and I could not breathe the best for about 3 weeks. He is recovering, and as long as he does not get vaxed which would probably now kill him or go to the Goddamn hospital to be killed with Remdesivir, his immune system will have him recover and he will be fine.

So you remember, there are a few virus repeats out there from 2019, this Wuhan shit, an upper respiratory, some diarrhea and of course they are spreading in the flu vax, 4 different viruses this year to light the primates up for toe tags.

TL and I still take tonic water, we switched to Gin as that covers up that tonic water a bit and seems to knock the bugs better and a half a zinc table we share as a preventative. I honestly do not foresee any problems for us with any more sickness this year. Am over worked so that 2019 is fucking a round on a wet shit day, but gargle will remedy that. Would love 70 degree, no wind, lots of sun too.

Nuff Said

