Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Greatest Enemy America Has

The English have caused the deaths of more Americans than 
any nation on earth....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is all making sense now why Chancellor Sebastian Kurz had a coup performed against him successfully to get him out of the way, because the Chancellor was deeply involved in the Slavic Balkans as a hedge against Turkish Islam in the old Christian Muslim conflict.

With the Chancellor gone, the Clinton era wars in former Yugoslavia are now being stoked and it is the same treachery which stole the 2020 elections and has Americans being hunted down by the FBI as the Duc's of Sussex preen in their California Colony.

There is massive trouble brewing in Bosnia Herzegovina. For those who need a refresher course, Christian Serbia was filleted by the United States and NATO under Bill and Hillary Clinton. It was the Clinton's Jew plotter who engaged in the first successful coup against Sebastian Kurz. The crux of the Kosovo War was a pipeline for oil it Europe. Bush43 later built the same damn pipeline without a war but the United States was bloodied by the world order for it, as Bill Clinton shipped all the Muslim fighters out of Afghanistan into Kosovo, and unleashed them on Serbian Christians.
The United States would later reap this whirlwind on 9 11 as these White Muslims filtered through the world.

This Muslim beach head has been in Christian Europe escalating ever since. You will remember Clinton's Secretary of State, a Jew, spat at the Serbs this epitaph, "Those dirty Serbs" in pure racist hatred.

This powder keg has had Muslims, Catholics and Christians all in one piece of autonomous land. The Russians are being baited in this to protect the Christians, because the Vatican Catholics have allied with the Muslim Caucasians in a genocide against Orthodox Serbs.

"Russia, as a guarantors of the Dayton Accords, cannot remain indifferent to what is going on," he added.

Moscow warns against attempts to blame developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina only on the Serbs, Nebenzya said.

"Pressure on the Serb entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina is rapidly growing. We would like to warn against misinterpreting things and blaming developments in the country only on the Serbs," he pointed out.

Three main peoples - the Bosniaks (Slavs converted to Islam), the Serbs (Orthodox) and the Croatians (Catholics) - are represented proportionally in the government.

Here is the punch line in this though, as provided by Russia, in the same MI6 who has been shattering the American Republic to take it over as a colony, is busy after Brexit in getting out of Europe, the English have sent in MI6 to start the war in Serbia, as the English know that this is what will draw the Russians out for World War IV...........where the Germanics, Slavs, Southern Europeans and Russians are expendable fighting the expendable Americans, which will leave London to rule the scorched earth.


According to Zakharova, the Albanian radicals "are persistently trying to get rid of the Kosovo Serbs." The Russian diplomat recalled that the Kosovar special forces invaded Serb-populated areas, which "remained autonomous within Serbia in line with international law," twice in the current autumn.

"The source of problems are the Albanian ultranationalists, who took over Kosovo and are asserting their power on the eve of local elections scheduled for November 14. They are being aided and abetted by the Western states, especially by those who unleashed NATO’s aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999 aiming to separate Kosovo from Serbia regardless of the numerous human losses,"

Furthermore, citing Belgrade officials, the diplomatic spokeswoman blamed the UK for whipping up the Kosovo conflict. As Zakharova stated, British instructors were training Kosovar police personnel,

If you need to be reminded, it was London who conned Dictator Biden to create the UK Australian and American Pact to fight China. London is setting America up to be betrayed by the Australians, (David John Oates reverse speech of the Oz Prime Minister found the PM stating he would betray the alliance." leaving America alone to fight a two front war with Russia and China, which will obliterate the United States.

The Lame Cherry reminds you of the long ago Bavaria seer who stated that the next world war started in the Balkans due to a series of assassinations. That time line appears to be generating again by British MI6 which now has America shattered and Europe reeling.

Watch this, as there was a reason Sebastian Kurz was brought down. The Russians are most interested and have named the British intrigue in this Great Game India as the culprits behind all of this. This Lame Cherry has been warning you of all of this, and the British are busy stoking a war against America in the Balkans and the South China Sea.

Pay attention as America is moving forward positions to be in theater for something which is not yet in the news, but the DIA knows of this, and that is why they put pedo Joe into power.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

