As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry has been ..............White in having the same ignorance which Americans entering the Great Plains of the United States and seeing smoke signals and piles of rocks and sticks by Indian terrorists, and being perplexed as to what the hell this all meant as communications were taking place.
Consider the following the Lame Cherry Rosetta Stone, the first letter or group sequence which deciphers what is being spoken as the sign from the 1%. Click on this link, and you will see more photos of Alexander Soros, son of nation rapist George Soros, the financial storm trooper, who broke the London Bank for the London Bank in making war on the Pound, which explains why the British never assassinated him.
The following photo is of Alexander Soros and the chosen Fuehrer of Austria in Alexander Schallenberg.
Observe the hands for they are the key in this. Just remember that Schallenberg is chosen person, former Foreign Minister and now Austrian Prime Minister.
This is Soros making a Soros sandwich of the meat of Sebastian Kurz with his unhappy prodigy, Alexander. Kurz is presenting the hand sign. George Soros is not. Little Boy Soros is exhibiting a different sign of the lords and the priests.
Pay attention to the dates.
Kurz has come to power. Then observe not two years later in the new Soros sandwich. Soros is again not signing, Kurz as leader is not longer signing. He knew he was being replaced already a year ago and was about to be brought down by the second coup. Notice that Little Boy Soros is now happy, and he is the one signalling.
Feb 17, 2020
Again, Sebastian Kurz is out of power. he is under scandal, but he is not concerned. Now Little Boy Soros is smiling broadly with his gay shirt open, and he is signalling that he is is in authority.
Normal people fold their hands right thumb on top. The lords and the priests fold the left thumb on top.
Study these photos of the coming Feuher of Germany, Armin Laschet, When photographed, with the Mad Frau Cow, Angela Merkel, as much as others, he does not signal. Merkel is presenting a different posture.
Her's is the circle of thumbs and index. She is a different order, Hitler's daughter is a different group.