As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is really another Lame Cherry monumental exclusive.
We were in the Dollar Store and they have a notice up that there is a nationwide coin shortage.
Preppers are not hording coins. American coins contain little value, other than their refined zinc, copper and silver, the latter in small quantities. There are though tons of these coins out there. They have now disappeared and are affecting commerce.
It was amusing in we purchased a mop, and we were 4 pennies short. The gal just gave us 4 quarters even in the shortage rather than the 3 quarters, 2 dimes and penny back.
This is the 1% cannibalizing a ready source of smelted materials. It means they are hording, and in the short term are what this blog said, forcing crypto on 2022 AD in the year of our Lord and long term are hording a concentrated supply of refined common precious metals in zinc, copper and silver to add to their stores.
This is detailed. Your Durdan Bros are not warning you of this. Ask why. This kind of detail by the 1% means they are paying attention to the details in this herding operation and they will herd you to the extreme in the near future, past Christmas.
Nuff Said