As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The United States in the upcoming Great Eurasian War fired it's first shot at Russia. China and Iran by a public display.
US Air Force's Secretive RQ-180 Stealth Drone Reportedly Photographed Over Area 51
Nicknamed the WHITE BAT, the aircraft is a hybrid and beyond the generation old SR 71 Blackbird of the 1960's. Blackbird had a skin on it that expanded at high temperatures, so fuel leaked from the tanks on takeoff, until it expanded to seal the tank.
For the Pentagon to put on a racetrack display of this black project surpassed the Skunk Works designs after keeping it secret, is a notice to the Eurasians, that this aircraft is an armed drone with weapons of mass destruction.
The aircraft was created as part of an effort to promote the development of High Altitude Long Endurance-Demonstrator (HALE) class drones, or "atmospheric satellites," which are designed to operate in the tropopause, at a range between 60,000 feet and 65,000 feet (18,288 meters and 19,812 meters).
This Wiki explanation explains a bit more about what this bat wing is capable of.
Other commentators believe the RQ-180 can function as an advanced communications relay node, integrating a suite of next-generation datalink technologies including those of the B-2, B-21, F-22, and F-35
The bat is a satellite. The bat is an AWACS. The bat is a Wild Weasel meaning it will jam communications. The bat is the big sister of the 47 B.
The reason this matters is the 47 B was a unmanned Navy fighter jet off carriers which was cancelled. The white bat took precedence with this class of long range platforms. The layman's version to understand this is the 47 B had a bomb bay of 4200 pounds. The bat wing is bigger, so it has more room for delivery systems, from lasers to particle weapons in weapon's of mass destruction.
This system is not vulnerable in slow aircraft carriers. It is land based. It never has to come back to America, as it refuels in air. It will reload at forward bases. This jet can stay in the air for weeks over Eurasia, killing everything that it comes across.
The greatest gambit of the Shock and Awe Gulf Wars was not the pulverizing of Soviet weapons, but for some illogical reason, Russia and China gave up on mass deployment of slow moving troops, and mirrored the American quick strike forces with limited military numbers. Russia and China are now in a technological equal in what Clinton, Bush and Obama let the Eurasians steal to "catch up" for this war. The Eurasians are not fighting in numbers, as their huge armies are gone.
The Pentagon for the globalists just showed hypersonic Russia and China what will deliver death to them.
It has begun.
Nuff Said