As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Vicious almost-stationary atmospheric river MONSTER storm engulfs Alaska FOR 5 CONSECUTIVE DAYS dumping 10 + FEET of snow and record rain
A fire hose of tropical moisture, the remnants of an atmospheric river, instigated the storm system, which will lash California and the Pacific Coast in the days ahead.
“It started on the 29th, that Friday night, and basically persisted since,” said Mike Ottenweller, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Anchorage. “It’s still somewhat ongoing.”
I have been watching this HAARP storm, but had no idea where it was going to appear from. There is a site which I track which in 14 day forecasts is 100% accurate in showing where HAARP will detonated a weather bomb.
It follows a perfect pattern of for a few hours it will show in the lower 48 a massive storm. Then it will disappear. Then it will reappear in the forecast days later of slight precipitation, and then it appears again in one of these massive storms.
HAARP since September has been using opportunity in season change. The first bombs that went off took place over Wyoming and drenched the interior of America. The California storm of last week was highlighted here in it was transformed into a massive Texas to Canada storm, soaking the corn fields of America again.
This time Alaska has the superstorm. This storm is designed to shift the polar air south to make America more cold than it should be, to drive up energy prices and rob you of your assets. It is non stop weather bombs in creating these massive weather bulges which are flooding and freezing out America for the Chinese colonists.
These massive storms do not even exist as Lo Pressure systems before they appear in this long range, ,but they always appear and are these weather bombs. That means they are man made as the weather service can not get anything predicted right.
They are creating a dark winter and will succeed if people do not start bitching about this.
Nuff Said
Nuff Said