Run for your lives, poop your pants, pee on yourself, drip
on your tampon, panic, cry, scream, fill a condom with fear
as........well just do it you fool!!!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Who knew that 100 J'berg Nigs could Black Friday Crash the US Stock Market 900 points and the DOW 100.
Overnight headlines about the emergence of the new COVID-19 variant in South Africa sent a ripple of uncertainty across markets, knocking down U.S. and global shares, sending crude oil prices tumbling over 10 percent, as skittish investors pivoted to haven assets like U.S. Treasurys and gold.
Yes, I will have more on this in how to deal with this Jo'berg Strain in the only measure to stop this (satire for those who are idiots and needs a disclaimer), but for now, you are witnessing exactly what the Lame Cherry stated would happen. Clif High was a month off.
Yes, only 100 South Africans in that shit hole who have this "variant". So this virus is bullshit cover for a scheduled event which has made the elite even more money or control.
Yes crude is tumbling.......again BS and baby sister, you are not going to see gas or heating prices tumbling. Anyway, stoops are being told to buy bankrupt bonds and the most interesting thing called gold There was a guy on Rense who said gold should really be like 45,000 dollars an ounce.
This though is about crypto. This is about what is coming in 2022 AD in the year of our Lord.
The live Bitcoin price today is $54,444.30 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $42,419,303,784 USD. We update our BTC to USD price in real-time.
I have not inquired, but logic would project the coin to rise to 123,000 as this is the Clif High paradigm.The trading volume is 42 billion. That is not the content volume. So you should begin to understand how a worthless and non existent scam just a few years ago has been inflated in this Ponzi scheme. What will become "the coin" will surpass the world cash debt and by it make all you have worthless and you a rationed existence slave of the vax synform realm.
Sorry I got things to do elsewhere in the 486 as am shifting the that is God doing it and I'm just inside and outside at the same time and jumping about.
Don't worry about this crash as it is scheduled. You will get a ration card eventually for your pablum vaxes in blackmail, so don't sweat this. I'm a secure investment but you only get Spiritual returns in me, not lucre. Runs on Faith.
Nuff Said