Thursday, November 25, 2021

Time To Nuke South Africa To Stop The Protean Virus


We just want to borrow 34 hydrogen bombs to stop the transmission
of this non deadly virus.

Protean South African virus mutation raises alarms in Israel   timesofisrael 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is obvious after Anthony Fauci billions of dollars and humanity destroyed that more extensive measures must be employed against those who will not get the vax. South African vaxing is lagging behind and a new variant has emerged.

As nothing works against this bioweapon, force must be met with force and nuclear bombs must be used against the real threat in this, humans. South Africa must be nuked to stop this virus. Get rid of the humans and the virus ceases to be a threat.

The variant, called B.1.1.529, has been detected in South Africa in small numbers, according to the WHO.

The variant has spread rapidly through the Gauteng province, which contains the country’s largest city of Johannesburg. 

“Especially when the spike happens in Gauteng, everybody travels in and out of Gauteng from all corners of South Africa. So it’s a given that in the next few days, the beginning of rising positivity rate and numbers is going to be happening. It’s a matter of days and weeks before we see that,” South Africa Minister of Health Joe Phaahla said during the briefing.

The variant has also been detected in Botswana and Hong Kong, Phaahla said. 

“Right now, researchers are getting together to understand where these mutations are in the spike protein and the furin cleavage site, and what that potentially may mean for our diagnostics or therapeutics and our vaccines,” Van Kerkhove said. She said there are fewer than 100 full genome sequences of the new mutation.

Never mind a year ago, the world was threatened by another South African variant, and we were told the Novavax protected people, and nothing came of it and humanity survived, at least the ones who stayed away from being injected with the Fauci vax or used the Fauci remdesivir. Never mind all of that as that was then and this is now, and now a new boogerman virus is out there, has infected but 100 people and no one has died, as Australia is hauling Aborigines to the death camps over fewer numbers than that.

We must nuke South Africa.

Jan 29, 2021 ... It was only by chance that the South African trial of the Novavax ... “It's a very different virus that's infecting people in South Africa ...

Mar 2, 2021 ... 1.351), a novel lineage of coronavirus causing COVID-19, contains substitutions in two immunodominant domains of the spike protein. Here, we ...

Feb 5, 2021 ... The mutation E484K, first identified in the South African SARS-CoV-2 ... E484K is called an escape mutation because it helps the virus slip ...

Jan 5, 2021 ... An additional mutation in the spike protein of the coronavirus may help it elude antibody recognition, and scientists are investigating if ...

Dec 21, 2020 ... Preliminary analyses from South Africa and the United Kingdom suggest ... and a higher viral load than the previously circulating variants.

Jan 22, 2021 ... The SARS-CoV-2 virus mutates just like other viruses. To date there have been about 4000 mutations in its spike protein alone. Mutations in ...

The UN must issue emergency orders for China to nuke Hong Kong. Russia to nuke Botswana and America to nuke South Africa. Only by this can we protect humanity by eliminating the human carriers.

Nuff Said
