Monday, November 1, 2021

Welcome Home Japan


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Personally, heading into Armageddon by the 1%,  the Lame Cherry is pleased that Japan is being maneuvered to join the epic blood bath. The Japanese are different races, one a mountain folk are the generic pool for the American Indian.

I have great affection for the Japanese not the square headed ones, but the attractive round headed ones. The Japanese look lovely, even as half breeds. I had one smile openly at me today, a bit weighty in the bum as she was crossed with some plump European of tall DNA . All the same the Japanese are attractive people, they also survived that Jew atomic bombs dropped on them, proving nuclear war is something we all can love.

What is most lovely in this is Japan has in one hour, created an Aircraft carrier, better than the ones that blew the hell out of Pearl Harbor,  Manila, Hong Kong and I don't know what else as my worship of Japanese clouds my historical accounts as I always wanted someone to wrap a Japanese and put them into a Christmas stocking as a present. I think Jude Law would even come over for tea if I had a Japanese tea server dressed in a tasteful white dragon komono.

The good news is a small Japanese carrier is worth a thousand Chicom carriers. The Japanese make things that work. The Chinese make things that are not going to win a war.

Here is a look at the wonderful Japanese dragon killer.

I don't have a great deal of time for this aircraft carrier stuff as what is important is Japan has from their nuclear power plants, tons of nuclear bomb grade uranium and plutonium.  The Japanese have all of this material refined. The Japanese have all of this material in pretty, appropriate bomb balls, suitable for bombs.
Here is the reality, Japan also has all the parts to build the bombs which is really important in this.

The Japanese also have the idea that this atomic bomb is just the start,  as this is the trigger for hydrogen bombs. Here is the Lame Cherry thing though, in besides loving the Japanese, they love the bomb so much that they will make hydrogen bombs and the thing that is just the lovefest in this in the Japanese are not squeamish about things as  the Japanese will put kilograms of cobalt into their hydrogen bombs, which makes them cobalt bombs, which makes them radioactive killers for 5 years when detonated.

In examining Japanese capabilities, it would humor Japan to take over Asia and this is indeed possible, in signing a non aggression pact with Russia, and forgetting the United States, UK and Oz and going it alone.

In assessing China, this breaks upon Chinese vulnerabilities. China is most vulnerable in water. It would behoove Japan to strategically detonate cobalt devices on all the Chinese waters. It will contaminate and spread to the ocean within weeks. The spread will cause hysteria and the 1.5 billion Chinese will go into anarchy.

A first Japanese strike would require 3 days for China to respond. By then the internal cauldron would have spread mayhem to overwhelm the regime. People stop being a threat at 4 days without water. I theory, Japan with Patriot batteries could withstand a Peking counterstrike with nuclear weapons in the succeeding 14 days of this war. Projections are the PLA would not risk a nuclear or biological war with Japan as they would not have the numbers to withstand a projected war.

Conclusion Japan would be victorious and inherit the world of the Pacific which Frank Roosevelt altered by giving the world the nemesis of China.

Welcome Home Japan. This is a fight that the Japanese are most suited for.

Nuff Said
