Saturday, November 27, 2021

Where the Truth is......


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry desires for you to read three diary entries from Joseph Goebbels. Most of you reading this, have no idea the Nazi Propaganda Minister was not an advocate for Adolf Hitler in the beginning. In fact, Goebbels was part of a different group.

Adolf Hitler understood psychology though and the talent of Goebbels, and read the transformation in just a few exposures of Hitler at his charming best on this young man, who would become a loyalist to suicide loyalty.

February 15th

Hitler has spoken for two hours. I feel as if someone has beaten me. What sort of Hitler is this?  A reactionary? Extremely awkward and unsteady. Completely wrong on the Russian question. Italy and England are our natural allies! Horrible!

We must annihilate Russia!

The question of the private property of the nobility must not be touched upon. Terrible!

I can not utter a word. I feel as if I have been hit over the head.

Certainly one of the great disappointments of my life.  I no longer have complete faith in Hitler. That is the terrible thing. My props have been taken from under me.


The Lame Cherry will explain the above in Adolf Hitler in the early 1930's was playing a hand without most of the cards. He was being the ultimate diplomatic force in playing on a world stage until Germany could attain power in equal rank.

Goebbels did not see the big picture at this point which Adolf Hitler proved correct upon

On March 29th Hitler turned on the charm offensive. He phoned Goebbels, invited him to speak on April 8th. On April 7th, Hitler's car was waiting for Goebbels and he was placed on the same stage with the leader.

April 8th

Hitler phones. His kindness in spite of Bamberg makes me feel ashamed. At 2 o'clock we drive to Buergerbrau. Hitler is already there.  My heart is beating wildly it is about to burst. I enter the hall, a roaring welcome. And then I speak for two and a half hours. People roar and shout. At the end, Hitler embraces me. I feel happy. Hitler is always at my side.

Bamberg was the original showdown where a soft coup was attempted on Adolf Hitler which Goebbels supported. Hitler's charm though a month later had swung Goebbels to his side. By April 13th, Hitler was speaking 3 hours and was brilliant. Joseph Goebbels was now more than a Hitler man. He wrote the leader...........

Dear and revered Adolf Hitler!

The adoration would never end. By August of the year. Joseph Goebbels published a public denunciation of those who had attempted the coup. The greatest propaganda mind of the 20th century was now a Hitlerphobe, in a few weeks after Adolf Hitler's charm.

He told the coup plotters led by Strasser:

August 14th

Only now do I recognize you for what you are. revolutionaries in speech, but not in deeds. Don't talk so much about ideals and don't fool yourselves into believing that you are inventors and protectors of these ideals. We are not doing penance by standing solidly  behind the Fuehrer. We bow to him with the manly unbroken pride of the ancient Norsemen who stand upright before their German feudal lord We feel that he is greater than all of us, greater than you and I. He is the instrument of the Divine Will that shapes history with fresh creative passion.

It is important to examine history in it's reality to understand what was the logical reasoning for Adolf Hitler in what he engaged in and what those who backed him had reasoned out as logical. Too much is made of emotional manipulation, which is always a part of St. Crispen's Day Speech in Henry V in leadership. There was substance in Adolf Hitler's German positions for Germans. That was the appeal.

Joseph Goebbels was the finest, second to Hitler in understanding human psychology. Hitler though in Europe understood national psychology, up until he met the tyrants of London and DC, who acted illogically. Then Adolf Hitler made mistakes in underestimation as he did over estimating Italians and Japanese.

If one desires to condemn Adolf Hitler then the blanket condemnation is to America which exists in a full fledged Nazi state of the government spending debt, in collusion with conglomerates taking that money and the vax police state terrorizing the people. Hitler never betrayed Germans the way Americans have been, the way the French, English and modern Germans have. That is a fact as Adolf Hitler was always pro German and that is why Germans supported his policies, as every nation in the world was doing to Germans what the current leaderships in America, Australia, Canada, Mexico and Europe are genociding their own peoples over.

The Lame Cherry is not posting this to support Adolf Hitler. It is to move you to think, to examine the lies you have been told. Joseph Goebbels was not insane or a sycophant. He was intelligent and skilled. Once he was charmed by Adolf Hitler, his eyes were opened to the strategic positions which Hitler was taking with other nations, and how he was trading power in Germany with the aristocracy, industry and military so the 3rd Reich would arise to power.

It is why the 1% is winning in the world in this 21st century as they have installed all the refuse in power, which none of the people's support, as these dictatorships unleash policies on their own vaxed peoples that the Reich did on communist secular Jewry.

It is why there is not a charismatic Hitler arising, because the 1% is dividing the nations within the intranation state in order to conquer by criminalizing people with their own laws as they are terrorized by the police state they paid for.

Nuff Said
