As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
TL counselled that I should explain about the vax being the mark of the beast and where my dead brother is now in having been injected with it.
First the vax is not the mark of the beast. It is a synform and biological weapon, but it is not the 666 on the forehead or the hand.
That does not mean though in saving your life in regime in not having Faith in God is something without consequences.
It will be simplest in this to relate the story of my brother dying and what I was moved by God to do.
I have recorded in the issues he had with my parents. In his last appearance here, he was reiterating their sins against him, and when I went to shower, he harangued TL for another half hour on his butt hurts. Each time he complained, I just thought, "You do know they both spoiled you rotten and let you get away with things I never could, and being babied as the only son, your view of the world is a few moments of you tantrums, compared to what the old man retaliated on me and what the devil things the mother unleashed on TL and myself in trying to break us up. Wiping your mother's ass for months is a bit different than complaining about being ignored for a moment when you were back, and decided to allow her a few moments of your time.
To that we played some movie by Matt Damon that night which sucked, but he was busy sucking beers down and half a liter or whiskey, whereupon he passed out before it was over, looked like the mother with her mouth open gasping for air, and when aroused, he stumbled to bed and passed out in it. I thought he was going to die of alcohol poisoning that night which is just what I needed after the hell we had been through.
I informed him the next morning, "THAT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN IN THIS HOUSE".
I was right as he died 3 years later.
In the meantime, he had a few acres of land the mother had left him, so he was now a landowner, and the only reason he came back. He also decided that me being stuck with the funeral bills and all of the mother's bills was nothing, and that my being generous in not selling that land to pay those bills was another entitlement he deserved in being the only son.
I'm not condemning him, but am relating how things deteriorated to the point, I had been checking on him, and he would not reply for weeks. He was being a real ass, and the only communications I received were when he was texting his important friends or he ass dialed me and I got to listen to the message of him being him.
So when he called about owing me money and that his situation did not look good and I was told to call him the next day, I thought, "No one is ordering me around. You got in trouble. You have your rich friends to lean on, so lean on them as I don't matter".
Last text I got was on my birthday, and he said I was getting old. Didn't bother to say anything on his birthday.
So my brother had lots of sin. He never once apologized and never once asked forgiveness. His state of affairs was he could claim Christ, but there was no Christian in this prodigal who never returned.
So when he collapsed and his daughter called, who I do adore, I supported her and her brother completely, not what he would have done, as he would have been second guessing every decision with his input making her feel like hell.
I told her to bury him in the family plot in the Brier Patch. Charged her nothing and when she mentioned right of survivalship on the land, I told her the land was hers and we would work out later what she wanted done.
Lastly, as a Christian, I loosed all of his sins from him. Nothing was bound, as I was not sending him to hell. I prayed for our favorite relative to be there for him when he died, along with Jesus, and also for his quick end so he would not suffer. I only asked God to wait until his children had time to accept what had happened.
He entered hospice and died 23 hours later. The doctor had thought it would be 48 hours.
So where is my brother now? He is in Heaven as God moved me to do some clean up in His Authority. I have mentioned that he did come here, with the relative, and TL and I both felt him, and his emotions were like none I have ever felt in reading people, "He was upset that I had the life he wanted, was upset he was dead, and it was that upset I felt in he felt like a failure and could not understand why it could not have worked out for him".
No good deed goes unpunished it seems, but if he had stopped being 7 years old, acted like an adult, not hitched himself to a Catholic woman, or even not acted like a brat humiliating his first girlfriend in not wanting to work a "stupid" job for her dad, he would have not had so many things implode. If he would have listened to me, instead of lying to me and conning me, he would probably still be alive in the Brier........but choices have consequences.
I have no power to send people to Heaven or hell. That is Christ's Authority. As an instrument though of God, I was moved to intercede which I did.........probably God doing this more for me than my brother, as I have enough to deal with and as an empath things are things I feel.
My brother though chose the world, chose the protection of the world, and chose a job that validated him, all not putting God first. He would be in the hot cell now if I had not responded to God and been a Christian, and not me just washing my hands of it all.
Granted not everyone is so blessed to have me interceding for them. The vax is having other gods before God, breaks that Commandment. Loving God with all of you, is not loving a job or whatever to save a life you worship more than God, again Commandment breaking. Idolatry is another Commandment broken. Not trusting God in carrying out decisions which render down in calling God a liar, is another Commandment broken. Lots of baggage on this vax by design which Christians do not load up, because they have Faith in God, have Faith in Christ that He has prepared a better place for us.
I even had to apologize to our dead relative for the emotions he had to suffer after my prayer for him to be around. So that is always something that galls me to high Heaven.
But my brother is in Heaven. He took the vax and still went.
That does not mean you hedge on God in taking the vax and saying, "Well I'll just tidy things up if things go bad, and can play both sides." My brother dropped like a rock and was out of his head for awhile before he dropped like a rock again. Do not forget that he had me and God moved me. I doubt most of you have anything in your family or friends that God is going to be moving to deal with your cheat sheet.
For the ignorant, different story, but ignorance of God, means they were not close to God to begin with, so do not expect a Road to Damascus conversion as you are not St. Paul.
People who took this vax got to where they are in a long time loving this world and hating God.
I'm not stating the vax makes things hopeless, but just remember I was at this 3 days sorting things out.
I'm not a damn fool willing to risk my place Jesus Gifted me in Heaven by His Death for a world here which I have not been that fond of, as it has never been fond of me.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said