As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As it is a cold day here with windstorms, I have a few moments in things are tucked away warm enough, chores are done and I'm already set for chores tomorrow to bless each of you Merry Christmas.
I do make a point in not having contact with people, because I have contemplated if the death of my brother was a point from the 1% , if they can not get me due to my keepers, then they can take out my brother.
It is odd for me in how his death is manifesting, and it is in regrets. Not regrets of things done, but things not done. Little things like we could have gone to a cafe or shared some purchase in survival like a tractor as we would not need one full time anyway. The things I always tried to instill in him, in adventures, to just make the toil of life into something memorable to one day enjoy in forgetting how bad it was.
I remember my dad always telling a story of Grandpa said they could go to the Christmas program at Church if it warmed up to 20 below. Dad said they were back there so much checking the thermometer blowing on it, that it probably warmed up from them. The translation of that in him was, "Yes I probably blew on it a bit to help it out". I also figure that Grandpa probably knew it was going to warm up a bit, or he would not have made the promise.
TL and I were discussing our not being excited for Christmas and I explained that what I'm looking forward to are preparing our meal, and making new memories which are not the commercial Christmas we get fleeced by. None of us are going back to what the world was. We are going to have to make new Christmas in ways which please us. For me now, Christmas is being thankful , more than Thanksgiving, as bad as things have been, I'm thankful that God delivered us and His children through this biowar plague and even if the world changed, we still are in it, and that is a wonderful thing in being glad to have survived and not suckered into death serums. We did not save our lives, and therefore we did not lose them.
So yes, I miss things I really did not like as a child. I miss not going over to my Aunt's house, as she is in the geezer home now, but I had not been over there since high school. It was just nice that she was there, but that is no more. No more than my sister coming home from Christmas before she got killed.
In that, I was talking to my cousin last night and she was telling me about Beloved Uncle telling her, "You know I was sitting on the tractor smoking a cigarette and I thought of my niece in how wasted her life was in dying so young, and here I was wasting my life smoking cigarettes. I threw that cigarette away and I never smoked another one again".
People make decisions which change lives in the lives of others. It sounds like I'm writing a great deal about death when this is Jesus in life, but Jesus was wrapped in burial cloth and his bed was the bread of life for animals. His very coming was an announcement of death into life.
All of us by now know people injured or dead from this plague. It has all affected us and more of that is coming. It is liberating to survive and it makes sense why gazelles jump on the plains in Africa after a lion kills, because they are still alive.
I'm amused at my Christmas presents, as I told TL they are toilet paper. I really do not need things, but have needs of things to survive so that is what I'm doing.. Due to Chinese crappy parts, a plug in I purchased had to be returned, I'm always not having enough time, so somewhere in this, which I think was a baler pulled home, I must have laid my trapper knife on the radiator of the pick up and it appears in a place that only God knows now. I dislike losing things, but relish finding other people's things. The point in this though is God framed my disappointment in ordering another knife.
I have been looking for a knife like my Grandpa had. Someone has it and they are acting like they do not, so I could not even get a picture of it. It was yellow handled knife. Like a jack knife but rounded like a canoe style. They do not make them and I have no idea where he got that, if it was a gift from a feed store or out of Sears Roebuck. It was huge, he used it for everything from skinning fox and skunks, to trimming my fingernails, taking out splinters and pealing apples. Probably in that order so you knew what you were eating when you got an apple from Grandpa.
In this, I hopefully have coming a yellow handled knife. Not like Grandpas, but it is as good as I can get in being cheap. I will not spend 50 dollars on a Case knife. For God's reason this really feels secure to me. I have taken the step to what is coming in I'm entering the final phases of the End Times with my Grandpa's knife. It feels right like he is with me and it feels complete. I will fear no evil for Grandpas knife comforts me.
Merry Christmas Cherry. Hope you and TL have a safe and blessed Christmas and New Years. Thank you for always standing for God and for sharing his gift he provided you.
My same cousin I was talking to, I told her about wanting bib overalls like Grandpa always wore when I was little. We checked everywhere in the Brier and not a pair could be found. I gave up, but he presented me with a pair one winter day. Where he got them, I have no idea from what order company, but this was before they made kids bibs like you see hanging everywhere now. I still have the bibs in the closet. I had worn the color off the knees, but that canvas is still as good as the day it was made.
I'm thankful for that Christmas in what it meant to me. It was one of the few times that someone gave me something good, instead of trouble.
I do pray that each of you enjoy this Christmas, as it will probably be the one you transition from what you knew to what you will create next year in things changing. Be merry though and joyful in the things which you will keep with you, that do not wear out, as that is where Christmas is in your heart, like Little Cindy Lou Hoo who was no more than two.
It is about time I started feeling Grandpa again, as I have missed him.
Merry Christmas, may you be blessed in the Lord Jesus Christ from all the Cherry family. Amen and Amen