Thursday, December 16, 2021

Ben Affleck Bitch Verbs the Ex Wife

Stop hiding behind the beard Ben.
We all know what cock on the breath scents like.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Oh look, Mr. Jennifer Garner was back, making his crotch shot appearance for publicity again on Howard Stern and repeating it on Jimmy Kimmel (good news for Kimmel in he got the mRNA vax which has infected his fat cells and is swelling him up in the Vax Fat Syndrome)

Hello Jimmy!!!!!! It's show tune time!!!!

Where was I"

Yes, Mr. Jen was back, and this time he was blaming his drinking on his ex wife Jennifer Garner and he says he would still be drinking if he was married to her.

For those who forgot who Jennifer Garner is, here is a reminder of what drove Ben Affleck to drink.

I'll meet you on the other side.

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Ben Affleck says it “hurts” his feelings that his confessional blaming his doomed marriage to Jennifer Garner for his alcoholism are being used to make him look like the “worst, most insensitive, stupid, awful guy.”

Appearing on pal Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night show Wednesday, Affleck, 49, quickly brought up his controversial radio chat with Howard Stern, calling it a “really cool, long-form, in-depth, two-hour interview.”

“We talked a lot about my family, divorce and alcoholism … and how you have to be accountable and loving,” he said of the chat in which he said he’d “started drinking” because he “was trapped” with Garner.

“I was really happy with it,” he told Kimmel, saying he left thinking he should do “more honest, exploratory, self-evaluating” interviews.

Seriously, why does not Ben Affleck just come out of the closet as a faggot? We all know the signs. He tries to be a man at poker and loses. He tries to compensate for wanting to be a cocksucker in liking the flavor of feces penis. He gets drunk thinking about James Garner ramming man meat up his butt to punish him and after finding that Jim Beam is a date he can not drink enough whiskey from to satisfy his taste for cum, he does a catharsis with sex perv Howard Stern, peeking out of the closet door hoping some panda boy will wander in and somehow Ben can claim he just did not know how it all happened.

The worst of this homosexual bearding of Ben Affleck is his current hose bag or beard bag in Jennifer Lopez, the well used Jennifer Lopez.

¿Por qué soy un imán para los maricones que resuelven sus problemas?

Yes she looks bad old with mask and makeup not being able to hide it all. That is not the worst though as the worst is Affleck is so cheap he took to dating a replacement with the same initials so he would not have to spring for new towels with Ben & Jen on them.

Talk about cheap. Ben just needs to come out of the closet stop hanging with shemales with the extra x chrome in over sexed latins and just find a nice Jerry so he can save on money on monograms and just use the ice cream as the new couples monogram.

I'm not homosexual, I really never thought about it?
Why do you ask?

I got the perfect homosexual partner for Ben Affleck in Jerry O'Connell. He was the guy in sliders, That was Jerry being paid to slide through tight holes. O'Connell has his own extra x gene wife in Rebecca Romaine or whatever. Maybe Lopez could hook up with her and the boys could go off hand in hand after they come out of the closet.

The boys could have their ice cream together in and out of bed, and all of us would get some peace in Mrs Ben O'Connell would finally have a husband who he could kiss and swallow with.

As we all know the Lame Cherry saved the Batman franchise that Affleck single handedly killed by writing the time line for the greatest actor ever in Jaoquin Phoenix. I now rise to the challenge again, not for the future Mrs. Ben O'Connell, but for Jennifer Garner as she needs more than till death do us part from Ben Affleck as he is like a bad sex sore that keeps coming back.

What Hollywood needs to do is write Ben Affleck as the new Batgirl. Ben will play Gender Girl and do things like straddle a dildo sized motor scooter which fires tampons and has douche gun firing the tampons. Mrs. Ben will finally have his validation as he is unhappy being a man in he simply could not handle a woman like Jennifer Garner.

There once was a boy named Ben
Who married a beard named Jen
But once deep undercover he delighted to discover
That he liked to be a cum dump for men
