Saturday, December 18, 2021

A Trophy of Their Fears


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I know now that each of you reading this are going to begin to experience the manifestations of all this synform bioweapon is.

Alleged New Variant Said To Be Causing
'Asymptomatic' COVID!

I was speaking to a girl I was confirmed with in Church, and her vaxed sister tested positive for "Covid". I asked her what that meant, and she said she was sick, but the vax was to protect you from dying from the virus so all was good.

No Thanksgiving though as Covid had cancelled it.

Then she was telling me her son took the vax last spring. He has been sick since. Non stop catching every germ out  there. He is on steroids and prescription Vitamin D. He had been better in this building his immune system, but he is a long hauler and is tired all the time.

My cousin who is suffering from prostate cancer and it has gotten into his bones, was someone we went to visit. His wife informed us he had taken the booster the day before and was in bed, and was not well enough to see anyone.

I told you I believe my brother was given the vax and he probably took the booster as he was being treated for cancer. He dropped like a rock in manifesting everything from stroke, low sodium, heart attack, fluid on the lungs, and an explosion of cancer all through his body with a brain tumor.

These are real people and real vax  harm and death. I'm still mystified at the symptoms in each vax being different and how even the vax manifests differently in different people. I literally am watching people in the brier drop dead. I drive by the hospital and tell TL, "There are lots of cars in that parking lot for a small town", and that is the fact.

I don't know why healthy people are taking that vax and wondering why dying people taking that vax. Then I was speaking to a survivor of the virus. Her statement I did not challenge was after I just got done telling her that Fauci was going to vax rape newborns, when she said, "I hope my grandchildren get it for their safety". There is not any debate or pointing out the facts to people like this. I adore this woman, she is the gem among gems in a wonderful person, but she is a Darwin following the piper over the cliff. Her faith is in propaganda which has made her a trophy of her fears.

This vax is when it is not saline is forever destroying people's lives. I do not like watching people I care about being so lead around. Humanity has returned to being herd animals with the predator picking off the prey and the prey is making excuses for being vaxed and then getting more vaxes.
I really believe that these vaxes are the sadistic chemo of cancer tortures, in people are going to suffer ghastly things, struggle and then perish.

To grasp life like this when it is toxic is not living.It will become the new living though and each of us is going to experience this more and more. The reality is, that in the not too distant future, each of us are going to become callous to all of this. Numbers of people suffering and dying is going to be something we will not give a thought to as it will be experienced so much.

TL quoted to me what I said about my brother, "That damned fool killed himself with that vax". There are allot of damned fools.

Nuff Said
