As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry addresses the Omicron Variant or #15 on the Greek alphabet.
THis "virus" is now in 89 countries, is all over Europe, and is in 44 out of 50 states in America, with the numbers doubling.
Read this quote:
The agency designated Omicron a variant of concern on November 26, soon after it was first detected, and much is still not known about it, including the severity of the illness it causes.
There is not in any way, shape or form a virus from South Afirca at the end of November, infected this many people and spread this far around the world in 3 weeks.
Remember the China biological weapon, began in 2019, was first known globally in December or that year, and only with the help of the PLA and Obama holdovers in deliberate spreading it, did this virus take until March before it gained a plague spread foothold on the world.
Omicron is easily spread the excuse is, but that still does not add u to that kind of infection rate. Again, remember the viruses which appear out of Asia and then appear in the West as seasonal flu are just as easily spread, and they do not create a flu season for six months after incubation.
There are only 3 ways this Omicron is what it is:
- It was spread deliberately
- Every virus is being blamed on Omicron
- This is the new seasonal flu vaccine which had 4 viral strains in it.
The logic is, Omicron is lab rat flu shot, which is mild in most cases, a chimera of the shits and high fever. Hysteria is driving the mask wearers to the emergency wards, just like hysteria drove them for this quad vax.
The logical projection in this is, the way this was spread is the quadvax, and people are getting sick from a live combination, and they will survive unless they are dying anyway.
That is the only way this could have spread this fast. It was in the injection for flu and it shed to this what has been noted is a recoverable flu.
The link in this is, the most vaxed nations and states, are the ones having this surge. The vax hinders the immune system and the quadvax puts the germs into the body to incubate. That is how this faux plague appeared according to the data.
The Dictator had crisis too good to waste created for the measures the 1% are going to inflict damage to people and the economy with for the first quarter of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord.
Hello, I'm Nurse Naughty who massages you while
Nurse Knickers bathes our Omicron patients.
Nuff Said