Sunday, December 19, 2021

Cash to Crypto


It was a pleasure buying your soul....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the following Robert Kennedy jr Children's Defense site, interviewed Catherine Austin Fitts, in what is one of her best interviews.

In the interview, she states she used data and projections in looking at the Obama Soros Buffett riots and what the data concluded was.

  1. The riots occurred in cities which held Federal Reserve Bank hubs
  2. The riots were on streets which were investment shells for the Silicon Valley dictatorships, so they would not have to pay taxes.
  3. The riots destroyed and burned down and destroyed these investment shells for the purpose of acquiring them cheaply.
  4. The net result the riots were for the reason of the next step in crypto currencies.

This was a lovely gem of information in this taking over a system, inside all of the financial hubs, for a control base when the crypto currencies take control.

The Lame Cherry is going to give you some insights into this. The cryptos will not come for your money first. The way the cryptos will be initiated is all of the entitlements will be housed in this immense financial structure to "combat fraud". The money pouring into the medical group is trillions over this Covid operation. Money flowing out of the United States in the invaders, will all funnel through these crypto hubs, meaning the Wells Fargo wokester types getting their 30 pieces will force this on illegals sending money to their shit holes.

This amount of revenue will turn the tide in this overtaking of the system from cash to crypto. Yes you will be lured with pre deposit cards to get you trained like with Trump Covid Cash, but like that ran out, the system will be gaining control and soon enough it will be social monitored in how are you paying your electric, water, buying gas and food, as it has to be in crypto or payment can not be made. You must be a criminal black market trafficker, so the regime will confiscate all you have.

That though is the outcome, not the beginning of this, which is about this Riot Street in banks, investment blocks and the federal entitlement funds flowing only through them to establish this order.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
